Chapter 2: Meeting The Band

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The boys smiled and they each introduced themselves. The shortest one, with the feathery hair, introduced himself first. "I'm Louis Tomlinson." He said with a smile. Next, was the Irish blonde. "I'm Niall Horan." Then finally, the dark haired one with eyes half closed due to his wide smile. "And I'm Liam Payne." Then, in unison, they all spoke. "AND WE'RE ONE DIRECTION!" They all erupted in laughter and after about 10 seconds they died down.

Hm, who should I kill? I guess I need to get to know them better to find out. Harry thought to himself before speaking again. "Well, I'm here to take a couple of photos. I wasn't told how you guys should pose? So...just be yourselves I guess." He finished with a smile.

Louis clapped his hands together. "Alrighty the boys. Let's get this show on the road. Liam you sit over there and Niall, you get out of the room because you're too ugly to be photographed!" Louis said jokingly.

Niall sorted. "Oi, mate I'm not the ugly one. I'm Prince Charming and you're Shrek!" Niall erupted in laughter at his own joke. While Liam watched the two and shook his head.

"Why don't you to silly billys get over here and save Harry the annoyance of waiting for you lot to calm down." Liam smiled at Harry. "Sorry mate, they're a bit...childish at times."

He called me mate. Does he already trust me? Maybe he's the one I'll kill. He seems gullible, an easy target. "No problem. I've worked with children before." Harry said smiling at the other two boys. "I'm not sure how many pictures to take either. I guess four sounds good? One group photo and three individuals."

Liam, Louis, and Niall all nodded to each other in agreement. "Sounds fine." Liam said. Niall sat on one end of the couch while Liam sat on the other. Louis stretched out between the two, his feet rested in Liam's lap while his head rested in his hand, his elbow resting Niall's knee." Liam looked at the other two. "I think we're ready." He said.

Harry nodded. What a strange lot this is. They seem very cheerful, childlike. Harry thought as he set up his camera. "Okay lads, I'll take the picture in 3. 2. 1. SMILE!" The boys all smiled their widest and best smiles. "Nice, nice. Now for the individuals." The individuals were quickly taken and soon the three boys sat across from Harry sipping their tea.

"Soooooo.....what do we do now, since the pictures are done?" Louis said pouring himself his now third cup of tea. He must really love this tea. It's his third cup in 20 minutes. Thought Harry before he responded. "Well, I'll upload the pictures to my computer and edit them a bit. Nothing to much, just correcting red eyes and adjusting the lighting. Then I'll send your manager the pictures and he'll tell me if he likes them." Harry spoke as he stared absentmindedly in his tea.

The boys all nodded. "Sounds good to me." Liam exclaimed. "We have about an hour left before we have an interview. What should we do?" He asked. Niall piped up in response. "Let's order pizza!" He said excitedly, already fishing his phone out his pocket ready to call. "Okay, sounds like a plan." Liam chuckled as the blonde haired boy punched in the number.

Harry smiled as Niall dialed the Pizza Restaurant to order. Liam busied himself on his phone, most likely tweeting fans. He noticed Louis looking at him. Louis smiled and then got up and sat next to Harry.

"Erm, I've always liked cameras.....I was wondering if you could show me some stuff? Maybe, let me play with it a bit?" Louis asked nervously with a slight smile. "Sure, no problem." Harry replied while picking up his camera. He showed Louis a few things about the camera, as well as some tricks he found on his own.

"This is bloody awesome!" Louis exclaimed as he snapped random pictures of the boys and Harry doing random things. Liam and Niall posed in crazy positions and made silly faces. Harry was more laid back, just doing simple smiles and a peace sign. "So, I take it you like the camera?" Harry asked Louis. Louis smiled and replied. "Very much so." The shorter boy replied.

Harry took the camera with a smile and put it in his bag. He looked at his watch as he shouldered his bag. "It's time for us to go." He smiled and all the other boys looked at their watches. "Time flies when you're having fun!" Niall exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. They all got up and headed for the door.

Harry stopped Louis on the way out. "Hey, Louis. Since you like the camera so much, why don't I teach you how to use it?" He said with a slight smile. "Really? I'd love that." Louis replied, ecstatic that he'll be learning something new. "Yes. I'm staying in the Sheridan hotel. You can come 'round whenever you're free." Harry responded back. Louis smiled and said. "Woohoo! Maybe Saturday?" Harry returned the smile. "Saturday's fine."

Harry and the boys went their separate ways. Harry now sat in his van with a smile. He didn't worry if he'd have time to teach Louis the camera, he was a freelancer. He took jobs when and if he wanted them. Louis. Yes, he's the one. The other boys were suitable, but, Louis is the most friendly one. He'd be the easiest to trick....the most fun to kill. Harry chuckled to himself as he thought about his new task at hand. Killing Louis Tomlinson.

This will be great. He thought as he pulled off.

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