Chapter 9: Times Ticking

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Harry stood in front of Niall, Louis and Liam in his flat. It was two days after he murdered Zayn. "Okay boys, the tour starts in two months, so, why not spend those last two months iiiiiin." Harry paused for dramatic effect. "Galea!" Harry exclaimed with a waving of his arms. The trio all looked confused at Harry. Harry spoke again. "Yeah, yeah. I know you have no idea what I'm talking about. Galea, is a private island that is privately owned by this billionaire. Buuuut, he agreed to let you guys stay there for the next two months,"

The trio looked at each other before cheering. Liam spoke first. "Sounds great Haz, does Burt know?" Harry's face formed into a frown, but he quickly erased it with a smile. "Yes, I called him this morning and he approved. I got the tickets and all." Burt didn't know anything. Harry hadn't told him not one thing about his plans. Why would he, if he's planning to kill them.

Louis piped up next. "Let's get packing then yeah? So, Harry. It's just gonna be the four of us on the island?" Harry nodded. "Will there be phone reception?" Louis asked, to which Harry nodded again. This wasn't a lie. The island did have cell phone reception and Internet access. But Harry had a jamming device for both. They wouldn't be able to call, or even tweet for help.

Niall stood up. "Well, move your lazy arses and get to packing!"


5 hours later

Harry sat behind the wheel of an all black Hummer. He wasn't stupid enough to use his own van, he rented this Hummer under a fake name. And, when the boys asked why he'd gotten a rental car, Harry simply said that he didn't trust leaving his car at the airport parking garage while they were on vacation. The boys readily accepted the response.

They were parked at the airport, far away from a spot where fans and the media could see them. They were taking a private jet, and Harry was going to pilot it. Despite his young age, Harry knew how to fly a plane. His uncle was into planes and taught him all that he knew.

They all piled out of the Hummer and boarded the plane. "You sure you can fly this thing?" Niall asked nervously. Niall didn't like places very much. Harry simply smiled at his Irish pal and patted his shoulder. "Niall, I can fly this plane blind folded with my feet." Niall laughed and sat in his seat. "Ok, just fly with your hands." Liam and Louis got their things situated.

"Harry, can I co-pilot. I mean, not actually touch anything, just fly in the seat? I've always wanted to fly up front in a plane." Louis asked happily. Harry agreed and they both took their seats in the front of the plane.

"Ok everyone. Welcome to Styles airlines. Buckle up tightly and we will be off shortly." Everyone laughed at Harry's fake announcer voice. Harry started the plane and they soon started their ascent into the great blue sky that was peppered with fluffy white clouds.


Some hours later

Harry slowly defended onto the concrete runway on the island. Liam, Louis, and Niall were fast asleep. Thanks to the sleeping pills he dissolved into the punch before they left. By now they should be waking up. As if on cue, Niall groggily woke up and stretched. "We're here?" He asked. "Welcome to Paradise." Harry replied.

The island was amazing. It covered mostly with thick trees, in the middle of which resided a large, white, three story mansion. The owner of the island loved seclusion.

Liam, Louis and Niall were blown away by the beauty of the island and the mansion. They quickly ran up the walk way that led to the house. Harry stayed back. Have fun boys, because this is the last place that you'll ever see. Harry thought as he followed them.

The inside of the mansion stunned them as much as the outside. Filled with antique furniture and great paintings, the place looked like something out of a magazine. "This place is awesome!" Niall exclaimed, dropping his bags to the floor. Liam nodded in agreement before speaking. "Let's eat cause I'm starving." Niall ran to the kitchen, "I thought you'd never say that, Liam."


The Next Day

Harry had given the boys a tour of the entire island, and now they were all making plans on what activities everyone should do. Louis and Harry decided to go S.C.U.B.A diving just before the sun came up, as it was when all the fish are just starting to come out of their coral homes. This was perfect. Niall wouldn't come because he sleeps until the afternoon, and Liam isn't a fan of swimming underwater.

Louis, already in his wetsuit and flippers, flapped out onto the beach with Harry not far behind him. It was dark, but morning. The sun would be up in 20 minutes. "Harry, I've never gone snorkeling before." Louis said as he adjusted the oxygen tank on his back. Harry, doing the same with his tank, smiled. "Don't worry Lou, it'll be fun." Harry assured.

Now at the waters edge, Louis and Harry adjusted their S.C.U.B.A masks on their faces. "Harry, if I drown I swear I'm going to haunt you." Louis said with a slight smile. Harry chuckled. "You won't. Our tanks have enough oxygen for 2 hours and we'll only be under for 40 minutes." Louis nodded. "Ok. Let's get in then!" And with that Louis jumped into the water.

What Louis didn't know was that Harry had tampered with Louis oxygen tank. It only had enough oxygen for 50 minutes. With a smirk playing on his lips, Harry followed Louis.


They had been swimming for 40 minutes now. Louis was amazed by all of the amazing fish. Louis has brought along his waterproof camera and had snapped tons of pictures of various colorful schools of fish. They'd even had a close encounter with a shark. "Harry this is so beautiful!" He said, studying a rainbow striped fish. But Harry didn't respond. "Harry?"

Harry slowly floated behind Louis. "I'm sorry Lou." Louis turned around. "Oh, there you are you silly goose!" Louis laughed, but his giggles petered out when he saw Harry's face. Harry smiled slightly. "I wanted you to die happy. You were my favorite." With that, Harry grabbed Louis by the throat and strangled him. Harry being bigger and stronger, easily overpowered Louis. Harry stopped just as Louis went unconscious. He'd let him die from lack of oxygen, his tank was to run out soon.

Harry floated back to the surface and took off his mask.

One down. Two to go.

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