Chapter 11: Fight Or Flight

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Niall couldn't believe his ears. Kill you all? What did he mean by that? "Harry, what do you mean kill us all? Where's Louis....Liam?" Niall asked nervously.

Harry let out a low chuckle and slowly walked towards Niall. "You know, you were right some months ago. When you thought I'd poisoned Louis. I knew at that moment, that I would have to kill you all. Cause, if I had just killed Louis, you and Liam would have suspected me for killing him." Harry smirked as he stared at a frightened Niall. "Niall. You should run."

Niall didn't have to be told twice. He ran from the room and quickly down the stairs. Through the kitchen and past the living room to the front door. Bursting out the front door, Niall ran towards the trees and fished his phone out of his pocket. No Signal. The bold yellow words flashed across his screen. "Dammit." Niall muttered.

Harry chuckled as Niall ran frantically from the room. Before following him, Harry went to his room and got two syringes of poison. Putting them in his pocket, he set out to find Niall. Harry knew this island like the back of his hand. Harry would have no trouble finding Niall.


Niall thought that maybe the trees were blocking the reception. So he ran out farther along the beach with his phone high in the air trying to get a signal."Come on, come on!" Niall pleaded to his phone. He didn't forget about Harry. But, Harry wasn't on the forefront of his mind as he should've been.

Harry watched Niall from the trees. What a stupid blonde, he thought to himself. He smirked as Niall finally gave up. Niall frantically spun around, wondering where Harry was before running towards the thicket of trees. Right towards his killer.

When Niall got close, Harry stepped from behind the tree. "You won't be getting any reception Niall. No ones going to help you. You can't win Niall. Give up."

Niall, even though very scared, stood up straight and held his ground. "No. You're not going to kill me. I'm not scared of you. If anyone dies, it'll be you." Niall smirked. "You're a coward. You're going to poison me I bet. How about you pour out whatever poison you got and let's fight, man to man."

Harry chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "Ok. Fine with me." Harry pulled a syringe from his jacket pocket and depressed the plunger. The liquid squirted out and once emptied, he dropped the syringe. Harry didn't pull out the other syringe that he had hidden in his boot.

The two stood staring at each other. "You wanted the fight, blondie. You hit first." Those words dripped with cockiness, and evil. Niall, very infuriated, ran at Harry. Harry held his ground and let Niall get a good hit across his cheek. "Impressive." Harry raised a hand to his cheek as Niall grabbed his collar and shoved him to the ground.

Harry and Niall scuffled in the sand for a while. Niall throwing blows, and Harry simply blocking them. Harry, tired of this foolishness, punched Niall right in the nose, breaking it. As blood gushed from his nose, Niall raised both hands. That small gesture, that small defenseless moment, was just enough for Harry to pull out the syringe from his boot, plunge it into Niall's neck, and depress the plunger.

"You coward!" Niall roared, yanking the now empty syringe out. "You cheated, you're a freaking cheater!" Niall tried to go at Harry again, but the poison was already taking effect.

Harry smiled. "Oh, stupid Niall. I'm no coward. I could've easily won. But, I still wanted to kill you. Like I did Louis, who's swimming with the fishes. And Liam, who's becoming one with nature." Harry laughed. "Ah, how I love the feeling of completing a job. Killing One Direction. Job Done. Oh, and Niall, I win."

Niall watched helplessly as Harry said his little speech. He couldn't say anything, as his throat was closing. Niall grabbed at his neck frantically as his airways constricted. His eyes, now red, bulged out of his head as he struggled hard for breath. Niall's hands grabbed outwards towards Harry in one last attempt to hurt him. After another minute of agony, Niall ceased breathing.

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