Chapter 7: Making Decisions

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The trio had been walking around the mall for two hours now. Liam and Niall had found a present for Louis but Harry hadn't. "Aren't you going to get anything for Louis, Harry?" Niall asked. "Hm? Yeah, uh. Why don't you guys go ahead, I think I saw some thing in the store back there, I just decided to get it." Harry replied. "Ok, we'll be in the food court." With that Niall and Liam walked off.

"Liam, what do you think about all this?" Niall asked, once Harry was out of sight. Liam shrugged. "I really don't want to think anything, but, I don't think Harry's telling us everything." Niall nodded. "We don't really know him, I mean, he did one job for us and then Bam! he's hired full time. No background check or anything." Liam chose a restaurant and stood in line, he turned to Niall. "Well, before we go accusing him, let's just watch him, okay?" Niall sighed and replied. "Okay."


It had been 6 days since Louis was admitted to the hospital. Liam and Niall had been acting strangely and Harry didn't like it at all. Liam and Niall had insisted on spending time with Harry, to help him through this 'tough time' they said. Geez, they acted like Louis died already. They now sat on the floor of the living room.

"Louis coming home tomorrow, think we should throw him a party? You know, just the four of us?" Niall asked. The blonde lad laid upside down on the La-Z-Boy chair. His feet in the air, his head touching the floor. Liam nodded. "Sounds like a good idea to me!" With a smile he stood up, grabbing his keys. "We have to get some supplies then! Hey, why not make it Halloween themed since Halloween is next month?" Liam questioned excited. Niall got up, falling in the process. "Oof!" Niall stood up. "Yah! PARTY CITY HERE WE COME!" Harry looked at the two. Clueless bastards. He thought to himself. "Uh, I'll stay home, you guys go," Liam and Niall nodded and left.


"Liam, I don't trust Harry. Im starting to think he has something to do with Louis being sick." Liam, holding a big, furry, fake spider looked at Niall with surprise. "Ni, how could you say that? I mean, he's been nothing but nice to Louis. He's closer to him than we are and we've known him for 5 years!!"  Niall looked Liam square in the eye. "Well, when you two went to get food the other day, I went in his room and found this." Niall pulled out a small empty bottle that had a cork stopper. "There were more empty like it in his drawer, under his clothes. And it smells funny too." Liam snatched the bottle. "Niall, you can't go snooping." He opened the bottle and sniffed. His nose crinkled. "Does smell weird, but it could be his own medicine, just, let's ask him about it ok?" Niall's eyebrows furrowed. "Ok."


Liam and Niall came in carrying two full Party City bags each. "We're back!" Niall yelled into the seemingly empty house, closing the door with his foot. Harry came downstairs. "I see you guys had fun at party city." Harry said, gesturing towards the bags. Liam smiled. "We sure did, it took a village to get Niall out." Harry chuckled and grabbed a bag, sitting on the sofa he looked through it. "Oh, Louis will love this!" Harry exclaimed.

Liam and Niall sat across from Harry, their demeanors turned serious. "About Louis," Liam started, only to be cut off by Niall. "What's this Harry?!" Niall exclaimed, pulling out the empty vial. Harry froze, looking at the vial. That filthy little twit has been searching my room, oh I have something for you. Harry thought to himself. "Uh, how'd you get that?" Harry asked. "Does it matter? What was in it? Was it poison? Did you poison Louis!!" Liam stood up. "Ok, ok. Niall, don't go accusing Harry of something so stupid. He wouldn't do that." Liam looked at Harry. "Harry, what was in the vial."

After Harry made up a story about some rare condition he has, and that those vials were medicine specially made by an herbal healer, they all decided to order pizza. "Um, sorry about earlier." Niall said to Harry. "It's just, we didn't really get to know you, you know? It was a stupid notion to think that you'd poison Louis, you're his best friend. No hard feelings?" Harry looked up at Niall with a smile. "No, no hard feelings." Niall smiled and patted Harry on his back. "I've always got your back Haz." And you should always watch yours. Harry thought with a smirk.


It was agreed that Harry would pick up Louis and that Liam and Niall would stay home for the surprise. Harry and Louis now sat in Harry's van outside the flat. "How are you, Louis?" Lois smiled at Harry. "I'm feeling way better, still a little icky but better. The doctors didn't know what I had but plenty of rest and fluids helped me." Harry smiled and put a hand on Louis' shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay Lou." Lou returned the smile. "Me too."


The surprise party had been a blast. There were tons of food and fun. After three hours everyone was tired. Harry went upstairs to get Louis present. While he was gone Niall bombarded Louis with questions. "Louis, has harry been....weird lately?" Louis eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?" Niall sighed as Liam gave him a look, meaning he wanted Niall to shut up. Niall continued anyway. "I don't think you being sick was an accident. I think maybe...Harry.....had something to do with it."

Liam stood up. "Niall quit it! He said its his medicine.!" Niall looked to Liam. "Are you that stupid Liam? Really, a herbal healer? It's a load of tripe Liam and you know it." Louis didn't know what to think. He didn't want to believe that Harry would do that to him, but, he didn't know Harry all that well. And, after Niall showed him the empty bottle, and said there was more, he was even more skeptical.


Harry stood at the top of the staircase, listening to their conversation. Crap, now Niall is making Louis believe him. Harry had only planned on killing Louis. Now he'll have to kill Niall because he's getting too nosy and suspicious, and Liam because well, after Louis and Niall are both dead, he'd know for sure that Harry killed them. And after that, Harry will move far away, somewhere in the States maybe. Harry went to his room and locked the door. "Stupid Niall, should've stayed out of my business." Harry pulled out a black bag. "Now he's gotten him and Liam killed."

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