Chapter 5: The Fun Begins

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Harry and Louis decided on spending they day eating pizza and playing video games. They also decided on making the pizza themselves. With flour in their hair from the food fight they had while making the pizza earlier, Louis and Harry now sat in front of the large flat screen playing a shooting game.

"HARRY COVER ME! GOD, OH G-O-D! COME ON HAZ, HAVENT YOU EVER PLAYED THIS BEFORE?!?!" Louis was nearly screaming his head off! He gets really excited when it comes to video games. He grunted, sitting on the edge of his seat. "DAMN! YEAH! TAKE THAT MATE, CANT BEAT LOUIS AND HAZ NOOOPE!" Louis pumped his fist in the air in victory. Their team won.

Harry actually had never played before. He really just let his fingers dance across the controller hoping he did something right. Apparently he did be used they'd one. "Ok, Louis, my brain is thoroughly fried. Let's take a break." Harry leaned back and shut his eyes. Who knew playing video games could be so tiring?  And dammit, Louis is way too HYPER!!  Harry thought as he rubbed his eyes,

"Gr, fine. Let's take a break. I am a bit thirsty. I'll get us some water." Louis started to get up when Harry quickly spoke. "NO! I'll get us some water!" Harry blurted out standing up. He quickly realized how insistent he sounded. "I mean....since you played so hard I should get the drinks, hah." Harry smiled sheepishly as Louis replied. "Uh, ok Haz. Have it your way."

What the bloody hell was that? It's just water mate, no need to yell and get your knickers in a bunch. Louis thought as he sat down. He didn't know why Harry needed so badly to be the one who got the drinks. But, he brushed it off and laid down across the couch.

In the kitchen, Harry pulls out a small vial from his pocket. The vial reads Zodaxil. Harry smirked as he filled a glass with water and poured the small vial into the water. He grabbed a spoon and stirred it in. He then grabbed a different shaped glass for himself, so he won't mix up the two, and filled that with water as well, he then headed back to Louis and gave him the water. "Here you go Lou, one glass of water."

Louis drained the water. "Thanks Haz, I was thirsty." He set down the glass. "Now, let's get back to me kicking your ass!"


3 hours later

"Harry, I feel funny." Louis now lay on the couch in the living room. The only light was that of two candles on the table. Having the lamp on hurt his head. He didn't understand why he was feeling this way. He and Harry were playing video games, and then he suddenly started feeling weird.

Oh, poor you. Got a headache? Maybe a sore throat? Eyes sensitive to light? Oh, don't worry, that's just the poison coursing through your system. Replacing your blood cells with deadly toxins. Harry smirked a little as he thought. The Zodaxil wouldn't kill Louis, not yet. It was a small dose. Harry will keep giving him small doses until he dies. "Aw, you'll feel better soon, just lay down and get some sleep ok?"

Louis grumbled and turned to his side. "I hope so...we have an interview tomorrow." Harry sat on the nearby couch, leaning his head back and closed his eyes, he replied. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."


Tomorrow Morning

"Louis, you okay?" Niall asked the older lad as he munched on an Almond Joy candy bar. Louis pulled his coat tighter around him as he squinted at his bandmate. "Yeah, a-are these lights bright to you? There giving me a massive headache." Louis closed his eyes and leaned his head on Nialls shoulder. Niall looked at Louis with concern. "Dude, it's like only one light on. Anyway, if you feel worse please tell us ok? Don't want the fans to get worried." Louis simply nodded.


After The Interview

"That went great lads. But seriously Niall, did you have to eat the entire interview?" Liam asked his bandmate as the left the Studio. "Stuff it Liam." Niall replied. "I can't help that I have a monster living inside me that requires constant nourishment." Niall laughed at himself, his hearty guffaws bouncing off the walls. Liam just shook his head and mutters. "The Irish, they're one crazy bunch I tell you."

Louis and Harry walked not far behind the other two. Harry had lent Louis his sunglasses to help ease the sensitivity of the light. "I swear Harry, everyone is shining spotlight at me, and I don't like it. Not one bit." Harry held back a slight smile that tried to fight its way across his face. "Don't worry Lou, when we get home, I'll close all the curtains and feed you tomato soup, crackers, and Ginger Ale. Sounds good, yeah?" Louis smiled and looked at Harry. "Sounds abso-tooty-fruity-lutley amazing, Haz." Harry laughed at the strange word Louis said. "Gosh Lou, that word, I seriously worry about you sometimes." But you should worry about me more. Harry thought as they climbed into the van and drove home.

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