Chapter 4: Picture Perfect

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All the lads and Harry sat in the office at Modest!Management's headquarters. Burt Green sat across from them with the pictures, that Harry took, spread out on the table between them. "Of all my managing years, Harry, you've taken the best photos! The lads seem very laid back around you and are themselves! They're usually more stiff backed and straight-lined smiles with other photographers. But they're genuine with you." Burt Green looked up from the pictures. "How would you like to be our permanent photographer?" He asked cooly.

Harry looked at the lads and then back to Burt. "Sure, love too!" He smiled and Liam, Louis and Niall all cheered. "Now it's only appropriate that we take a picture to mark the occasion." He pulled out his camera. The lads, and Burt gathered behind Harry. "Say Selfie!" Harry exclaimed as he took the picture.

"I say we all get a pint and celebrate!!" Niall exclaimed loudly. "Whoever gets drunk first has to pay!" He snickered. Liam laughed and replied. "Niall, that's not fair! You're Irish! You NEVER get drunk!" Niall slapped Liam on the arm. "Exactly, Liam, exactly."

Harry and Louis laughed at the other two boys. "Ok, enough! Let's just put it on Burt's tab, yeah?" Louis said quietly to the other three. All the lads giggled quietly and agreed. "I'll be the designated driver." He said with a wide smile.

That Evening

"Oh, he's a jolly good fellllloooww wish nobody can fryyyy!" Niall slurred as they stumbled back to the car. "Those aren't the words you idiot!" Liam stumbled, equally drunk. "Hm, then what are they? You don't know do YA? BUG OFF! " Niall replied back slightly heated. The two boys started shoving and pushing.

"Oi, mates. Calm down." Louis got between the two. He had some to drink as well, but, only enough to get tipsy. These two were downright piss drunk. After successfully breaking the two up and getting them into the car, where they both immediately fell asleep, Louis turned to Harry. "This is why we don't go out to drink. Ever."

Harry smiled and thought, Darn. Should've gotten Louis more drunk. Maybe I'll get him to drink more at home. "Ah, one night won't hurt. Anyway, let's drop these buffoons off and get back home." Harry and Louis both got into the car. After a 20 minute drive, and two stops to drop of Niall & Liam, they arrived at Louis flat.

Harry killed the engine. "Guess I'll be looking for a flat now. Since I'm full time with you lot. Nothing to expensive, or permanent. Since we'll be traveling a lot." Harry glanced at Louis, who was sleeping. "Gr, I'll tell you later." Harry got out of the car and walked around to Louis' side. He opened the door, gathered Louis in his arms and shut the door with his foot.

The Next Morning

Harry stayed up all night figuring how he'd go about killing Louis. He decided on slowly poisoning him. He'd done it with at least 5 of his previous victims. It was the least incriminating way. I mean, no one would suspect it being a murder if he gets sick very gradually. They'd think it as an unknown sudden illness. Now that he knows how, he needs to know when. When would be the best time to start poisoning him? While he was thinking, Louis woke up and came downstairs.

Pain, oh, make it stop. Thought Louis, as he woke up. He didn't even drink a lot, so why does he have a hangover? He got up, took two Advil's and went downstairs where he saw Harry already up. "Morning Haz, sleep well?"

Haz? He has a pet name for me? Gosh, let me get this over with soon. Harry thinks as he turns to Louis with a smile. "Yah I did, you?" Harry stood up. "I slept like a log, but I do have a slight hangover." Louis replied. Harry nodded as he responded. "I'll make us a cuppa coffee , that should do the trick." Harry slinked to the kitchen.  Louis followed.

He acts like he owns the place. Not that I mind, he is part of the team now. "So now that we're technically brothers, why don't you stay with me? I mean, there'd really be no point in you not." Louis sat down in a chair and waited for Harry's reply.

Harry poured the two cups of coffee. Perfect. If I stay with him, I'd have a better chance. "Sure mate that sounds great!" With a smile, Harry sat down the mugs and sat across from Louis. "So, what's on the agenda today?" He asked, taking a sip of the coffee. It was pretty good, but he was more of a tea man.

"Burt gave us a day off. Niall and Liam are going fishing. They get out really early, so I never go," he chuckled. "It's just me and you then. What do you think we should do?" Louis asked and drank some of his coffee.

I don't know, but at some point, I'm poisoning you. Harry smiled at the thought and shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know mate. I'm up for anything."

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