Chapter 2

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Hey! I just wanted to quickly say that Im so sorry I haven't updated in ages. But here is a new chapter! Thank you so much to all of you for reading xx
Please vote and comment, it would mean the world to me, enjoy!

I groaned as I grabbed my phone off my bed, making my way downstairs with a frown, after hearing my mums sweet voice telling me to go downstairs.

Yes, here I am, a month later, on my way to support group. How lame, I'm 17 for fucks sake! I know it's probably for the best, but me being the grumpy arse teenager I am, I'll never let my parents know that.

I stared out the window, at nothing in particular, just so I didn't have to face my mum's disappointed looks she was giving me.

Where have the times gone, 4 years ago I was a giddy little girl, no worries or groans.

Yet here I am, avoiding my mums hurt face as she tries to concentrate on driving, while I look at beautiful sunny day, face emotionless, body numb.

The car stopped at the front of what seemed like a hospital-looking building. Plain white walls and looking pretty empty if you ask me.

As I turned my head to the side, I immediately spotted a group of maybe 5 people, each with a cigarette in their fingers, slowly burning their insides. Seemed familiar.

My thoughts were interupted by my mothers calming voice "Sweetie, I think you should go in now. Please ignore those people and go straight into the building, they won't do you good." If only my mum knew about all  the cigarettes I had lit. I started feeling panicky as my social anxiety kicked in.

I was feeling butterflies, but not for any of the right reasons. I just wanted to stay at home, on my own, cuddled up on my bed watching netflix. But I couldn't.

I took a big breath in and lightly touched the door handle. "I can do this" I thought to myself, when in reality, I couldn't.

I opened the door slowly and quietly, making sure the group of punks didn't hear me or see me.

I stepped out of the car, watching my mum drive away, unseen.

Or at least that's what I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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Numb // Punk Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now