The Daughter

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The doors close and everything goes quiet the council representative from dauntless moves to the podium. I remember that his name is max. He wraps his fingers around the edge of the podium, and I scan his dark clothes and tattoos and scars. Dauntless has always intrigued me. With their wild and free nature to their fearless actions. It's handled to determine if they are fearless or stupid.

"Welcome to the choosing ceremony." Max says, his deep voice easily filling the room. He doesn't need a microphone, his voice is loud and strong without it's help. "Today you will choose your factions. Until this point you have followed your parents' path, parents' rules. Today you will find your own path, make your own rules." From the corner of my eyes, I see my father pressing his lips together as such a typical dauntless speech. I know his habits well, I almost of it myself but I don't share his feeling of disdain towards them.

"A long time ago our ancestors realised that each of us, each individual, was responsible for the evil that exists in the world. But they didn't agree on exactly what that evil was," max says. "Some said it was it was dishonesty, some said that ignorance, some aggression, some said selfishness was the cause. And the last fruit said that it was cowardice that was to blame."

A few whoops rise from the dauntless section and the rest of the dauntless laugh. Max smirks slightly at his faction before carrying on with the speech we hear year after year, just different versions.

"This is how we came by our factions: Candor, Erudite, Amity, Abnegation and Dauntless." Max smiles. "In them, we find administrators and teachers and counselors and leaders and protectors. In them we find our sense of bringing, our sense of community, our very lives." He clears his throat. "Enough of that. Lets get on with it. Come forward and get your knife, then make your choice. First up, Zellner, Gregory."

Gregory Zellner holds his bleeding hand over the bowl of dirt. Amity.

I blank out most of the ceremony, deep in my thoughts. Only paying attention to a few people.

"Rogers, Helena."

Helena Rogers holds her hand over the glass. Candor.

"Lovelace, Frederick."

Frederick Lovelace holds his over the Erudite water, turning it a deeper shade of pink.

"Erasmus, Anne."

I see it's the abnegation stood next to Tobias. My throat turns parched. Anne has never found more then a few words to speak to me and my brother. She accepts the knife and holds her hand over the abnegation bowl. The bowl of smooth grey pebbles. It's easy for her. It's easy for her to choose the selfless life.

"Eaton, tobias."

Tobias eaton. My brother. I watch as he walks down, my eyes following his every move as my throat tightens up, my heart thumping so loud I feel like everyone in the room can hear it. He makes his way to the centre, knife in his hand. His eyes meet mine, the same dark blue that looks black in certain light. The same as our father's.

I smile at him, even though tears build in my eyes, knowing he is going to leave. That I won't see him again.

"It's okay." I mouth to him and he smiles slightly before cutting into his palm. I flinch as the blood fills his hand.

"I love you." He mouths back before putting his hand over the bowl. The bowl filled with hot coals. I gulp as the dauntless whoop at the new comer and tobias walks away, glancing back at me. I muster everything I can to smile back at him, but a tear slips down my face. I'm happy he is free. He is finally free but in going to miss him. I will Miss him with all my heart. My brother, my best friend.

My eyes dart to father to see him looking completely shocked at his son's decision. tobias put that look on his face. And I'm proud of him for doing it. A small smile pulls on my lips as I relax in my chair.

After the ceremony, members of abnegation crowd around me and my father, saying words of apologies and 'everything is going to be Okay's'. They even talk to me, and I fight to keep the smile from my face, as they talk about tobias.

Once every other faction is gone, the abnegation stay behind to help tidy up; putting chairs away, washing out the bowls. Marcus still hasn't said a word since tobias left with the dauntless. No one talks as we walk down the stairs, out of the hub.

"Faye!" Me and my father stop walking and I look at him, as if asking permission. He nods and I turn around to see Caleb prior walking towards me. I smile as he stands in front of me.

"If you need to talk about anything, even if it's about your brother, you can talk To me." He stumbles over his words slightly and I nod. Two holes begin to burn in the back do my head and I quickly stand straight. I'm not as tall as Caleb, probably a few inches shorter even though I am a year older.

"I think I'll be fine. Honestly. I don't want to burden you with my problems." I give him my best abnegation response I could muster before walking back to father. He glares at me before we wait for the bus.

Once we reach home, father goes straight to his room while I go to tobias's. It's the same as always except for two things. The sculpture and the wing. I know why he put them there on the desk and I smile as I walk over, my had grazing over them. The door opens and Marcus stands in the threshold, staring at me and the things. I freeze, feeling the blood drain from my face but he just walks out. A frown falls on me as I stare at where he once was. Normally he would shout or scold. But he did nothing. Absolutely nothing. I relax before walking across the room, finding all the treasures cleaned up and gone. I walk around, the room now feeling bare with out tobias here. Almost, empty even though it has things inside.

"FAYE!" I flinch at the voice, my eyes darting to the door. Then I make my way out, fear replacing my spine like a metal rod. I walk down the stairs before crossing the room to my father who is sat on the chair. An evil glint fills his eyes as he gestures to the sofa. I perch on the edge of the cushion, just like tobias did, to make an easy get away. Father clasps his hands together as he looks at me over his glasses.

"When visiting day comes you shall not see that traitor. You shall not even speak his name. He is no longer my son." Something in my snaps and I rise.

"How could you even say that?! You raised him! He is your blood! My brother! And I do not care what you say!" I shout but then I realise my mistake. He rises as I cower away, tears in my eyes.

"I didn't mean it... Im sorry." I plead as his hand pulls next to his face which is twisted in rage, showing the monster he truly is.

"This is for your own good."

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