Chapter 4

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sorry guys for the late update. please vote and comment if you like. Will try to update as soon as possible Insha Allah.


I started to feel my cheeks flame up and feel really embarrassed, "I call her whatever I feel in the mood to call her at the time," I tried to explain and then tried to turn and head to my room, but today was not my day. When I tried to turn my leg clicked and I slipped and fell backwards. I closed my eyes tight in anticipation of hitting my head on the floor...


Instead of feeling myself falling down, I felt my hand being grabbed and pulled forward and a strong muscular arm wrapped around my waist. Instead of the hard floor, I felt myself crash against a hard chest. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at Haroon's smiling face.

"You didn't think I was going to let you fall?" he asked raising his right eyebrow at me. God, he looks so hot. I can't take my eyes off him.

"Tamanah, are you ok?" he asked concerned.

I quikly averted my gaze. "Mm...I..." I stuttered. I can't seem to speak, it's like my brain has turned in to mush. All I can think about is how dame hot he looks.

"You are fine. Dont worry, I will never let you fall or get hurt, ever," he said with a serious face. I can't seem to understand what he means but his words and the way he is looking at me like he really cares for me is making me feel all weird. my heart is beating so fast that I feel like it will jump out of my chest. I am sure Haroon can feel how fast it's beating fast. My face is starting to feel warm and I can't bring my eyes to look away from his face.

the front door being opened knocking me out of my crazy staring phased out state. I quickly pushed Haroon away trying to get away from him. I moved back out of his arms and almost slipped again. His hands quickly grabbed on to my waist and pulled me to him. He bent down towards me and whispered in my ear.

"I told you I would let you fall qandolak," his breath fanned on my cheek and my stomach started feeling all warm and tingly. I quickly moved to the side and out of his arms.

"Th...Thank you," I stammered. He smirked at me,

"Your welcome," he winked at me and headed downstairs. I walked to the bathroom and quickly splashed cold water on my face. My face feels like it's 100 degrees and I look worse than a tomato pizza. What is happening to me, how can someone I have barely known a day make me feel all warm and tingly inside and make me blush so much? Astaghfirullah, Ya Allah please forgive me for letting a non-mahram touch me and for all my haram thoughts. Please, Allah, forgive me. I dried my face and headed downstairs to see my mum. I felt a little uneasy thinking about being in the same room as Haroon, what with my feeling being all weird and him being all sweet and I guess flirty. I slowly walked towards the kitchen, where I could hear mum and Haroon laughing about something. I opened the kitchen door slowly to see Haroons arm around mums shoulders whilst she was cooking over the hob. She was smiling and looked very happy.

"khala jan you can't tell anyone about those stories, my izat will be ruined and it will be your daughter's fault," Haroon said laughing. What stories and why will I be the cause of his bizati? I didn't understand what they were talking about. I don't even know the guy so how can I possibly cause him any shame or embarrassment?

Mum smiled and turned her head to him, "she used to really bother you a lot didn't she, always demanding you to do this or that for her and you like a good boy would follow her every wish." She cupped his cheek in her hand, "thank you sadqa, thank you so much for taking care of her back then," follow my every wish? when? have we met before?

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