Chapter 6: Give your heart a Break.

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"Now here we are;
So close, yet so far,
Haven't I passed the test?
When will you realize;
Baby, I'm not like the rest.
I don't wanna break your heart,
Wanna give your heart a break. "
-Demi lovato


Selena's POV

I didn't know where I was going until I got there. I ran for what seemed like hours, and ended up at the play ground of my old elementary school. This is where I met Harry and Taylor for the first time. I sat on a swing and thought about that day. I wished I could go back, because bumped bruises and missing crayons hurt a lot less than losing somebody you built your life around.


I was sitting on the swing, by myself, upset because some boy pushed me to the ground and didn't get in trouble.

"Hey! I saw what happened! Are you OK?" I looked at a little, blonde girl and nodded.

"He is a meanie. All boys are meanies." I grumbled, crossing my arms. She sat on the swing next to me and nodded.

"I know, and they have cooties." She scrunched up her nose, and I did too.

"Hey! I do NOT have cooties Taylor!" I looked over at a little brown, curly haired boy.

"You do to!" She argued with him, then looked at me before he could protest. "I am Taylor, wanna be best friends?" She smiled, and was missing two front teeth. I smiled back.

"Sure. I don't have many friends, yet." Harry sat on the swing on the other side of me, I looked at him.

"My name is Harry, and I do not have cooties. We can be friends too." He smiled. "Want me to push that boy back for you?" I laughed a little then nodded.

Next thing I know he is walking towards that boy, when the boy saw him he smiled and went to high five him. Harry then shoved him and screamed at him.



Oh my gosh, how did I not remember that Justin was the boy who pushed me down back in 4th grade? I thought he came to the school Senior year.

No wonder Harry never liked him, no one really liked him, honestly. I loved him, though, that's why I stayed with him. He was my first real relationship, and when we were alone, he was everything I ever wanted. It was only in public when he was a complete douche to me. Us being together was toxic, it ruined a lot of friendships for me.

So why do I still want him? Why is he still in my head?

Now there is Harry Styles, my best friend for nearly 12 years, confessing he's loved me for awhile. Saying that seeing me with Justin, made him see he wanted me more as a friend. I will admit, there was a time-or should I say; my entire high school years-that I crushed on him. No one knew but Taylor. She was all for it too.

When Justin and I met, we were seniors. We had a class together, and he flirted with me hardcore. I finally decided to stop waiting for Harry, and start dating someone I knew liked me. At first everybody was happy, but then one by one they started leaving me. Until I was left with Taylor and Justin.

So, maybe I do have feelings for Harry? But, I can't let myself get hurt again. I have a baby coming, and If I keep it.. I can't be with a different guy each month.

"Hey! I was looking everywhere for you!" I looked up to see Taylor walking towards me, she hugged me close. "I was so worried..."

"I'm fine, I just, I needed to think.." I hugged her back, with tears in my eyes. "Why can't I forget him? He ruined my life, and I still care for him. why?" She hugged me tighter and then looked me in the eyes.

"Selena, You love him. He tricked you into loving him with no intentions of staying. That's not your fault, and You deserve so much better." She smiled as my tears fell.

"How will I know who won't hurt me..." I whispered, she smiled a little. I think she knew I was talking about one person particularly.

"I know for a fact that a certain person would never hurt you like Justin did. It's just a matter of you being ready to be with him. He is willing to wait for you, you know that." I nodded and looked behind her to see Harry slowly walking over.

I never thought I would do what I did next.

I was running towards him, he stopped and held out his arms, then we collided. I was hugging him so tight he caught his breath.

"Selena, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have---" I cut him off. He just looked at me.

"It's gonna take awhile, but I think I can finally try to move on..." I whispered, then I kissed him.


Harrys POV

We kissed for a good 5 minutes. The whole world stopped and it was like it was just us. I couldn't hear anything but our ragged breathing between kisses. The feel of her body against mine was completely out of this world. I pulled my lips away slowly but kept her close against me, my hands on her hips.

"You're gonna have to be patient... Because this scares me more than anything..." She whispered to me as tears formed in her eyes. I just looked at her, nodding.

"I'll wait as long as I have to..." I smiled a little, which made her smile back.

"Oh my gosh! This is perfect!" Taylor ran over and hugged us tightly. "By the way I totally took some amazing pics of that kiss." We all laughed hysterically.

"I love you guys so much." Selena said with a giggle. We all pulled away and I grabbed Selena's hand. She looked at me and smiled, that's when I saw it. The look in her eyes she had before Justin, I couldn't tell what it was. But I think it meant she was starting to feel happy again.


Alright guys, sorry this chapter is so short.
It's kind of a filler.
Big drama coming up in the next few chapters!
Keep reading!
I love you all.
Xoxo Calli.

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