Chapter 18: Try

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"Ever wonder about what he's doin',
How it all turned to lies?
Sometimes I think that it's better,
To never ask why.

Funny how the heart can be deceiving,
More than just a couple times.
Why do we fall in love so easy,
Even when it's not right?

Ever worry that it might be ruined?
Does it make you wanna cry?
When you're out there doin' what you're doin',
Are you just getting by?

Where there is desire,
There is bound to be a flame.
Where there is a flame,
Someone's bound to get burned.
Just because it burns,
Doesn't mean you're gonna die.
You gotta get up and try."

(Harry's POV)
-3 days later-

I was laying on my couch, staring at my phone. It's been 3 days since everything went down with Kendall and Selena. I honestly feel so numb I can't even function. I barely even remember anything about the night with Kendall because I was so knackered. She's still refusing a paternity test which only proves my point even further. There is no way I had sex with her. I would remember that! Wouldn't I?

I just wish Selena would hear me out. I understand where she's coming from though. After Justin, it's gotta be hard to trust someone when it's shoved in your face the way it was. I just want her to see how much I love her.

"Mate, you've got to get packed, we go on tour tomorrow." Louis said, walking over and sitting by me. "It's time to get on with it, yeh?"

"Louis, I don't remember fucking that kardashian bitch. And Selena won't talk to me. My life fell through the cracks in the blink of an eye, I'm just so done." I buried my face in my pillow.

"Throwing a pity party will only make you feel worse. We will prove the baby isn't yours and you can win Selena back. We believe you." Liam said as he walked in. Niall stood behind him holding a suitcase.

"Come on Harry, everything will work out." Niall smiled assuringly, I sighed and got up.

"Alright, let's do this.." I said, unsure. They all smiled and whooped, then helped me pack everything.

(Selena's POV)
-the next day-

I sat in Elijah's room, rocking him and singing softly. It's been a rough few days, with everything going on. Harry has literally called me millions of times. I just don't want to hear it. Taylor says he's really hurting and confused, she wants me to talk to him, but I just need time for me right now. Time for Elijah, because he needs me to be a sane mother. Not locked up in a looney bin because of her boyfriend of the moment.

"Selena.." I sighed and looked up at my mom.

"What?" I said quietly.

"You know I don't always weigh in on your relationships..." She started, before she could finish I cut her off.

"Mom, stop. I can't let him or anybody in right now. I'm too vulnerable." She stopped me, I got up as she spoke and laid Eli down.

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