Scars for the Self-Esteem

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Day 9: Write a scene with only one character, alone.

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"You're a worthless piece of shit."

"Why do you keep being so mean?"

"Nobody should be nice to you. You're a miserable cow."

"Stop it! I already get enough shit from everybody else."

"You should be thankful they even speak to you. A low scum like you? I'm shocked your parents still haven't kicked you out of the house."

"My parents love me."

"You sure about that? They only take care of you because they have to, unless they want to be called heartless."

"No. No, they care about me."

"Come on, Allie. Face it, you're just a burden. One more mouth to feed. Especially considering that that mouth consumes so much food. You're probably the reason why your Dad can't afford to buy your little brother a bike for Christmas."

"No! Dad's company is going through a rough time."

"While you sit around and shove Oreos down your throat. Could you be any more useless?"

"Shut up! I'm not useless. I can dance!"

"You mean you used to dance. Right before you gained forty pounds of flab. Great job, you whale."

"Stop it!"

"What? You like pig better? Or cow? Or elephant? Or hippo?"

"Stop it! Stop calling me names!"

"You're not used to it by now? This is what society knows you as. Deal with it."

"Maybe society should go shove a pole down their ass."

"Or maybe you should stop stuffing food into your face like a damn hog!"

"You're pathetic! All you ever do is cause problems for you Mom and Dad. Getting them to pay for your private school because you lost your scholarship. Making them feed your fat ass. You don't even do any chores. Plus you're really rude and mean and selfish!"

"Stop it! Please, please! Just stop!"

"Oh, what? You can't handle the truth? Is the little piglet going to cry now, hmm?"

Allie dropped the blade and wiped the tears from her sad face. She watched the last of the blood drip out into the sink before turning the tap on and washing it away. She dabbed her newly-acquired scars with toilet paper as she practiced her smiles in the mirror. In a few minutes, her Mom would be calling her down for dinner. Nobody could ever know that she'd been talking to herself again. Nobody should ever find out about this whole mess.
So she dropped the stained paper into her trash bin and smiled as she headed out the bathroom door, but not before putting on a sweater.

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