Northern Star

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Day 11: Write a scene where one of the characters is a musician.

The lyrics featured here is actually an original song.

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Serene ran through the school's halls like a madwoman, waving a piece of paper in the air with a wide grin on her face. Her footfalls were heavy against the smooth cement floor, and people dodged her as they made their way to their classes. She had always been like a wrecking ball--she didn't move out of the way, people moved away from her. Or risked getting crushed, especially at the speed she was going right then.

She finally reached her destination: the Music Room. She barged inside and found her best friends, Rea and Maddie sitting by the piano.

"This is it!" she screamed as she dragged a chair towards them. She sat down and slid her piece of paper on the piano's ledge. "I can feel it in my bones! This is the song for the talent show!"

"Hmm..." Maddie held the paper lightly in her hands and her eyes scanned the page. "You sure about it this time?"

"Yup. All you have to do is put some music over it and you can sing it for the talent show!" Serene enthused, clapping her hands.

"That's what you said about the last--oh, I don't know--ten original compositions you gave her this week," Rea interjected, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Listen, I know I've been indecisive about what I want you to sing for the talent show, but this time, I'm sure. I'm definitely, definitely, sure," Serene assured, and Maddie saw the determination in her gray eyes.

"I was playing with my guitar last night, and I came up with something," she said, standing up to grab one of the guitars in the room. "Let's see if it fits."

Maddie sat back on the piano bench, propping the guitar on her lap. Rea held the lyrics in front of her. Serene sat and waited, excitement oozing from her pores as she waited for her best friend to bring life into her poem.

I'll keep it short and simple,
I wouldn't want to waste your time,
I'm gonna tell you how much I love you,
With words that are gonna rhyme.

It started when you smiled at me,
I couldn't believe my luck,
The first time that you talked to me
Was a complete and utter shock.

Your voice was like the sound of music,
No instrument could ever make,
Your grin was something no one could match,
You could tell that it wasn't fake.

Your laughter had its own special melody,
A tune that only came from your heart,
When I saw you I suddenly knew,
What it took for my love to start.

Maddie stopped after what sounded like the chorus.

"You're right." She smiled. "This is it."

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