The End & Epilogue

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"Hurry! Hurry! Pick him up we'll work on him in the ambulance, come on!" A nurse said. Though I can barely hear him. They lifted me onto the gurney and raced me into the ambulance. They worked on me in there, I couldn't feel a thing. Then I blacked out.

*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep*

"Alright Surgeon, this man's frontal lobe was bitten off. Do you think you can do something about this?" A nurse asked.

"Of course, surgeons back then would remove parts of people's brain to stop them from having fears and other things like that. But on with the patient he needs serious medical attention. Take him to that room over there for the procedure." The surgeon said. Then I blacked out again.

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

"Look mom he's waking up." My brother says.

I groan then yawn and stretch, "Hey guys how are ya?" I ask my brother and mom.

"How are we? How are you dear?" My mom asks.

"I uh I feel ok. I got a huge headache." I answer.

"Cause a robot ate your brain." My brother says.

I chuckle, "What?"

"One of the animatronics from your job, bit off a piece if your brain. The frontal lobe. Don't know how that happened. The surgeon did great, the procedure went smoothly. He stopped you from losing alot of blood and he sewed up your head, but you're completely ok." My mom says.

"Oh well how come I don't remember that?" I ask.

"It's strange that you don't remember, but hey we sometimes forget too. Well um here's your last paycheck and today's newspaper." My mom says while she hands me my pay check and newspaper.
It read,


Freddy Fazbear's is Closing

After being open a few short weeks, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is closing it's doors.

The new animatronics will be scrapped due to possible malfunctions, however the original characters are being kept in hopes of a possible reorganization of the company."

"It's a minor setback. We are confident that we will reopen someday, even if it is with a much smaller budget." -CEO of Fazbear Ent."

I got $20.10 for working overtime. Not really worth it, due to what had happened. Strange that the newspaper didn't include the accident. Oh well, I'm still getting my NES.

"Wow, I can't believe they're closing down." I say.

"Why? You didn't like working there." Daniel said.

"Yea, but it was fun. The excitement and the rush."

"Well are you still gonna buy the NES?" Danny asks.

"Of course." I answer and then we all laugh.

2 Weeks Later.

"Alright you ready to lose?" I ask my brother as I get ready to aim at the TV with the Duck Hunt gun.

He chuckles, "You wish I'll lose. I'll even beat your high score." My brother says while he takes aim.

"We'll see about that." I say as round 1 starts.



"Yo Jeff." Yaniel gets Jeff's attention while he drives the car.

"What's up man?" Jeff asks.

"Where you taking us?"

"I'm taking us to another Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."


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