Help Wanted

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So, after about a week of constantly being told that I'm old enough to pay for my own things by my mother. I finally started to look for a job. Nothing that I was looking for was really in need of an employee. I didn't feel like being a cashier, because that was no fun and didn't give enough in a week. I didn't want to be a janitor, though it pays enough, but cleaning isn't my thing. The rest were things I couldn't qualify for.

Another week later, I'm reading the newspaper now that I have nothing to do. When I get to the last page I see a red circle around something. It read, "HELP WANTED. GRAND RE-OPENING!!! Vintage pizzeria given new life! Come be a part of the new face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! What could go wrong? $100.50 a week! To apply call: 1-888-FAZ-FAZBEAR"

First question, who circled this? Second, why? And third, what's the job?

"Daniel!" I called.

"Yea Jeremy?" He asks.

"Did you circle this?" I show him the ad.

"Yea I did."


"I circled it so you can finally take the job."

"But I don't want to work there."

"Well where else are you gonna work?"

I sigh, "You got a point. Fine I'll take the job. It's good cause it pays enough, but I hope I'm not a janitor."

"Are you gonna go today?"

"Yea sure let's go now."


I get the keys and started the car and drove to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

Once I got there, Danny asked if he can play, I told him he can while I talk to the manager. I opened the door, paid for some tokens and gave them to Danny and he left immediately to play. I told the lady I wanted to apply for the job and she led me towards the managers office.

Once I entered, he stood up and gave me a handshake.

"Hello, my name is Jeremy Fitzgerald." I introduced myself.

"Hello Jeremy, I'm Mr. Schmidt. I've been manager since we re-opened. I'll tell you rumors can stop any anything." He said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well rumors stopped the last pizzeria so at least we were able to try again."

"Oh ok I see. So umm what are the open jobs?"

"Well we have one job that's been opened since last week."

"What is it?"

"It's the night shift. You'll get to be a night guard."

"A night guard ok, what time"

"From 12 to 6A.M."

"Oh wow, well what do I do exactly?"

"It's simple, just watch the cameras for any suspicious activity going on. Like someone trying to break in or something like that."

"Oh ok, I can do that."

"Well do you want the job?"

"Uhh yea, it pays well, it sounds easy and it helps pay with what I need so yes I want the job."

He stands up then I stand up, he moves his hand forward and we shake hands, then he says, "Welcome aboard, you start Sunday."

"Alright, see you tomorrow." I walk out and I see Danny at the Prize Puppet receiving a Freddy Fazbear plush toy. That thing looks mad creepy, I'll tell you.

He walks towards me and says, "Well did you get the job?"

"Yea." I answer, "Now let's go, I start tomorrow."


We head home and once I get home my mom immediately asks if I got the job and I tell her I got the job and she's proud that I finally get a job.

I enter my room and start to wonder what rumors Mr. Schmidt was talking about. I'd like to research, but I'm too tired. I go to sleep so that way I have enough energy to stay awake through tomorrow night.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Grand ReopeningWhere stories live. Discover now