The Horrible 6th Night

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"WAAAAHH!!" I fall off my bed. *THUD* "Ow, ow, ow, ow." I turn off my alarm clock. "11:45 P.M. already." I sigh, "Oh well, it's the last day."

I got dressed, ate a sandwich, brushed my teeth then finally went out the door. I got in my car and drove to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. "Ahh last shift. Just awesome. I can smell the NES already." I say to myself while I drive. I drive up to the parking lot and don't see Mr. Schmidt any where. I get out the car and enter the restaurant. "Mr. Schmidt!" I call out, no answer. I walk into my office. I check my watch, 11:57 P.M. I then wait until the chime starts.

12 A.M.

I pull up the monitor and get onto the Prize Counter and wound up the music box. I then check the other cameras, seems only the Old Animatronics are moving. Along with the Mangle, strange. I thought they'd all attack.

"Hello? Hello...uh...what on earth are you doing there, uh didn't you get the memo, uh, the place is closed down, uh, at least for a while. Someone used one of the suits. We had a spare in the back, a yellow one, someone used none of them are acting right."

"I would've received the memo, but Mr. Schmidt wasn't here." I say to myself.

"Listen j-just finish your shift it's safer than trying to leave in the middle of the night. Uh we have one more event scheduled for tomorrow, a birthday. You'll be on day shift, wear your uniform, stay close to the animatronics, make sure they don't hurt anyone okay, uh for now just make it through the night, uh when the place eventually opens again I'll probably take the night shift myself. Okay, good night and good luck."

"Are you serious?! I have to work tomorrow. Damn it."

I hear the vents being crawled on. I turn the left light on, it's Toy Chica. I quickly put the mask on. I heard the metal clanking again. I took the mask off and checked the hallway, empty. I then checked the Prize Counter and winded the music box up again. I heard the hallway chime. I checked, Old Bonnie. I heard metal clanking, I turned the left vent lights on, empty. I checked the right vent, Mangle. I quickly put the mask on. I heard the clanking and took the mask off. I checked the music box and wounded it up again. I put the monitor down and abruptly put the mask on, cause Old Bonnie was in front of my desk. I checked all the cameras, nobody is moving. I went to the Prize Counter and wounded the music box up again and I noticed something different. The box was open. Was it always open? I don't remember. I guess I can ignore that, this should be easy now.

4 A.M.

Four hours of just putting on the mask to avoid the animatronics is the easiest this job has been. Then I check the cameras. All the animatronics went back to there normal spots.

"What is this?" I ask myself. "What are they doing?" Then I hear a loud thud. "What was that?" I check the cameras to see if anyone broke in. "Must've been something outside." I then hear murmuring. The voice kinda sounds familiar. I then hear another voice. "What the?" It's two people. I faintly hear one man say, "Alright let's go, it's time."

I then hear the front doors open. I check the cameras, I see the two men in the Prize Counter. I don't want to turn the light on or else they would know I'm here. I see one guy take out a strange device, he starts pressing on it- the camera turned off. I check the other cameras and all of them are off. That man must've hacked into the cameras and shut them off. I look up and just wait to see what happens. I can faintly hear them talking. I can hear their each and every step. They're getting closer and closer. I hid underneath the desk. I can hear them in the hallway. They're getting closer and closer to my office. They've entered my office.

"Hey dude." The shorter man said to the taller man while they look around the office.

"What is it?" The taller man replied.

"I think someone's here."

"What makes you say that?"

"The lights are on in the office."

"So that means Jeremy is either here or he was here."

"I thought you said they'd be closed."

"They are. J- Bird probably didn't find out that they were closing."

"Yea I guess your right."

"J- Bird? There's only one person who calls me that. Oh my God, it's Jeff and Yaniel. They're the killers from before, I'm sure of it. They want Freddy Fazbear's Pizza shut down for good don't they?"

"Oh thanks for wasting space in the trunk with that puppet. Barely had room to stick the manager's body in there." Jeff sarcasticly said to Yaniel.

"And you wanted to bring Foxy to keep him. I understand you love him so much, but you can't have him."

"Yaniel, he hates the puppet, but likes Foxy. That sounds like someone I know. The guy who calls me every night. It's Yaniel. Wait he called me tonight, he knows I'm here then."

Then Jeff pulls me out from under the desk and slams me on the desk.

"Sup Jeremy, how you been?" Jeff asks.

"I knew you were under the desk, just wanted to make you feel a little bit safe and make you think we won't find you." Yaniel states.

"Look Jeremy, you don't tell the police we were here and nothing will happen to you. Alright?" Jeff says.

"Why are you guys doing this?" I ask.

"It's personal Jeremy, don't worry about it. Look just don't tell the police anything, got it?" Yaniel says.

I then see the Mangle crawl across the ceiling. It's right above Jeff and Yaniel, but for some strange reason the radio wasn't on. So they can't see nor hear the Mangle. Why is the Mangle active unlike the rest?

"Yea I got it. Guys look." I point at the Mangle on the ceiling. They turn and look.

"What the hell?!" Yaniel says.

"This place is haunted Yaniel." Jeff says.

"Oh no no, don't say that. You know how I am with stuff like that." Yaniel says and then bursts out running to leave the restaraunt.

"Yo wait for me!" As soon as Jeff starts running, the Mangle pounces, but misses him and- "RAAAAAAAAARRR"

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