The Problem

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"What?" Peeta says in complete and utter shock. His eyes are bigger than anything else on his face and he buries his head in his hands.

"You guys are mentors now. They're gonna be all up in your face about this. Your child will have to go through the games. It's inevitable." Haymitch says.

"Then they won't find out," I say.

"How are we gonna do that?" Peeta says.

"Cinna!" says Haymitch. "He'll make you clothes to hide the bump."

"But what about when I give birth?"

"Good point, good point."

Oh shit! I just realized I have to tell my mom, don't I. And Gale. When I thought my day couldn't get any worse. And I thought it was hard to tell Haymitch. Wow am I going to get killed. Twice. Maybe more. Well I survived the Hunger Games. I think I can survive telling Gale I'm pregnant. Maybe.

"I have to go. Prim's home alone and I know she gets nervous when she's by herself," I says and walk back to my house. I knock on the door and I hear Prim scream. I must have scared her. "Prim, it's me." I say knocking again. She comes and opens the door.

She hugs me and I get back in the door. Ever since she was reaped she gets nervous that something worse is going to happen to her or us. I don't blame her. That poor little girl has enough problems. She has forgiven mom for shutting her out but I still don't I don't know if I ever will.

I walk inside with her and we sit down in the kitchen together. "What's bothering you?" she asks me, "I can tell something's up."

"Prim," I ask and she nods," have you ever wanted to love something but it's just not at the right time or place to do it?" I ask her. She sits and I can tell she's thinking about it. "I don't really think so. I just want you to be happy," she tells me.

I smile. "Well little duck. I'm not sure how happy I can be."

"Would you tell me what's wrong. So I can help?"

"I don't think you can help-"

"Katniss, I think I can help plenty with whatever's going-"

"Prim. I'm going to have a baby."

Her eyes light up with excitement. "Really!" I nod and smile. She hugs me and I hug her back. "What's going on in here?" Asks my mom as she walks through the door. I frown now knowing this one won't be as easy as it was with Prim.

"Mom. There is something I need to tell you."

"Haymitch told me. He didn't think you would."

"And you're not mad?"

"I am, but I'll  have to deal with it." Well boy. If I knew it would be that easy I would have told her first. "Just be careful, Katniss, please." I nod and head out the door. Now for Gale. He's going to kill me. Or Peeta. Or both.  I walk outside and into town to his house. He doesn't work in the mines on Sunday's so he should be home.

Pregnant and a VictorWhere stories live. Discover now