The Forcefield

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We've been walking slowly now for what feels like days but it probably hasn't been more than five minutes. My ankles are swelled to the size of cantaloupes, my head is throbbing, I'm excessively sweating from the heat, and I'm practically waddling like a penguin. Couldn't Snow find anyone else better to pick on. Geez.

I feel Peeta's hand on the small of my back causing me to jump a little. I turn around to face him. "You need to stop and rest," he whispers to me. "I'll be fine. We need to keep going and-"

"I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. You need to rest." I nod and sit down on the cool, damp earth underneath our feet. The thick air is less dense down here. Finnick turns around and stops walking noticing that I've stopped. He too then sits and soon does the other two in our 'pack'.

It's starting to get dark so I guess we'll stay here tonight. It's our best bet to stay so we will know where we are going in the morning. Since the rest of the tributes seemed to have abandoned the plan I guess we are on our own.

"What's our new strategy?" I ask eager to know their ideas. They all look and seem to be considering but the idea seems to fall off of their faces as the anthem begins. The faces of dead tributes fill the sky. First is the male from District 5, Male morphling, Woof, Cecelia, male  and female from District 9, the female from District 10, and lastly Seeder. I find it horrible that I never took the time to know who half of these victors/tributes were considering we have all survived the games before.

"I'll take first watch," Finnick suggests since night has fallen. No one objects as we try to find comfortable spots on the ground. Tonight we will be very vulnerable and easy targets but I doubt anyone will want to travel now. Twelve gongs sound and I fall asleep perplexed.


I open my eyes and see something strange. In the distance it almost looks as if the trees have a coating around them. The air is moving slightly and appears to be glossy. I think back to in training when Beetee and Wiress were looking at the glass separating us from the game makers. I didn't think anything of it then but it looks the same. Like a forcefield. I notice Peeta walking towards it. Forcefield. Wait, forcefield!

"Peeta!" I scream but it's too late. He springs from the reflection of the trees and falls straight on his back with a zap! I quickly crawl over him. I'm screaming his name now hoping he'll answer but nothing is happening. Tears and snot start to build on my face and I'm sobbing hoping that he's okay. "Peeta, Pe-eta, sta-ay  with me-e!" There is no reply and suddenly I'm flung off to the side not knowing what's going on.

I turn to look at him and I'm seeing Finnick on top of him, kissing him? What the hell- He's giving him CPR so he can breathe. It's starts to get cloudy around my eyes from crying and I can feel my eyes and cheeks puffing up. Suddenly Finnick sits back and Peeta sits straight up gulping for air.

I pretty much pounce on top of him and now, start kissing him because I'm so relieved. I cup his face in my hands, "I thought I'd lost you." His eyes sparkle up at me, "Well I'm fine now that I'm with you." I wrap my arms around him and am crying tears of joy. "Okay lovebirds, let's get this show on the road."


Okay so this is really freaking shirt but it's just a filler chapter. The plot is going to be very similar from now 'til the end of the games just warning you. Thanks for the people who have been sticking through the story and still remain to read!

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