The Misunderstood

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I knock on the door and Hazel answers the door. "Hi Aunt Hazel," I say finally getting used to calling her that after Gale told the Capitol we're cousins. She smiles. "Gales in the bedroom," she says. I nod and walk in the house. I wish my house was like this. Now it's way too big for my liking. It reminds me of my old house before we moved to the Victors Village.

"Gale?" I ask. "Catnip!" he says walking towards me. "Are you gonna tell me what the hell was wrong this morning?" he asks and I can tell he's been worried. "Actually that's what I have to talk to you about." I can see him tense and he can sense something up.

I look him in the face and take a deep breathe. "I'm pregnant, Gale, and before you say anything-"

"What? How? Well I know how. It's just. We never? Did we, I mean I think I'd remember if-"


"Ahh man this is great! You can leave that baker, who it was just an act and we can be happy and go and live in the woods and-"



"It's not yours. It's Peeta's," I tell him not able to look him in the face.

He goes pale and his eyes are as big as his face. "What, Katniss? I thought it was an act, that's what you told me! You told me not to worry!"

"Well it's changed. I am going to marry Peeta and-"

"No, no, I see. I'm not in the picture anymore and I should stay out of your way. I completely understand. You've never had feelings for me and you never will. Problem solved." He starts to walkout of the house.

"Gale wait-"

"Oh no there isn't time to wait. You are very busy and have to plan the shower! Have fun without me!" And with that he's gone. I walk out after him but he's to far away to catch up to. I guess I'm going to the house.


It's been three months and I'm starting to bump up. Cuba has sent clothes trying to conceal it and I may say he does wonders. Give that man fabric and he can do anything!

Me and Peeta have been getting really close and now it's not so much an act. We are more boyfriend-girlfriend than fiancé's-parents of a child, but it's getting there. We told Effie last week and she balled. She acted like she died and went to heaven it was bad.

I've gotten so many dress choices for our 'wedding' that I think at least a thousand brides could have walked down the isle. The wedding isn't supposed to be until after the games though. I just chose one that's huge at the bottom like a ball gown and has these shiny metallic prices on it. It's gorgeous and everyone says I look good in it but I'm not a good judge at these sort of things.


"Yeah Prim?"

"Are you happy, with your life right now and being with Peeta?"

"Yes little duck, I am. Are you?"

"As long as your happy I'm happy." I hug her and give her a kiss on the head. I think she's nervous about the Quarter Quell coming up. She's afraid they might do what they did last Quarter Quell and have twice as many tributes. I'm not really worried except my due date is supposed to be during them, so I better not be mentoring and have this thing pop out.

She has had to grow up to much since the last games and I don't want her to have to any more. I want her to enjoy life. Yes I'm worried that she could get reaped again and I wouldn't be able to volunteer since I've already been a victor, but I choose not to think about it.

Prim walks over and picks up Buttercup. I smile. I hate that cat but she loves it. I've tried to cook it, and drown it, and almost everything else but Prim always found a way to stop me. I'd never dream of doing it now. That cat has been the small bit of hope she's been able to hold on to.

I hope Prim does not suffer later for all that has happened. Her life has been all but easy and she's only thirteen. I couldn't imagine what my life must look like to her. I frown at myself. I hope the baby will have a positive change for everyone. Maybe it'll be my hope, maybe.

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