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"You have reached the voicemail box of 838-920-6410 (a/n random number). Please leave a message at the tone."


"Hey, Aaron. It's Savannah. I'm really sorry about earlier. Please answer your phone, I want to talk to you about it. If you don't want to talk... Well, then I completely understand. I'm such a fuck up, I don't know how you would forgive me. I honestly don't even deserve you. But, anyways, bye."

Call ended.

It's currently 5 in the morning. The only thing keeping me up is the thought of Aaron and I being over.

And for some reason, I felt that staying up would somehow keep Aaron and I together.

Moments later, I receive a message from Dre.

From: Dre

Have u seen Aaron?
To: Dre

No. Y?
From: Dre

He's not at his house

My heart started racing. Where the fuck could Aaron be?

I quietly ran out of my room, grabbed a sweater and my board, then headed out the door.

As soon as I step out, I see Dre skating towards me.


He stops his board, then looks at me worriedly. "Aaron's at Steven's."

Almost as if on instinct, I start running then skate over to Steven's.

In a matter of 2 minutes, I arrive at the house.

I turn to look behind me, then see Dre skating towards me.

"What are you going to do?" He asks.

"Whatever I can to get him back."


"I have to at least try."



"Aaron... He-he said he was ready..."

"Ready... For what?"

"To move on." He whispers.

All I can feel is shock. After all the memories, the dates, the sneaking out... Did it all mean nothing?


Dre let out a sigh, taking a seat on his board. "When we got home, he told me Steven has always had a crush on you and wouldn't stop talking about you. Even with him around. Aaron made a bet with him earlier today. He said if Steven could take you away from him, he could have you."

I let out a sigh. How could Aaron gamble our relationship?

"I'm sorry." He says, standing up.

"No. I-it's fine." My voice shakes out.

"You still going in?"

"I... I think I'm gonna go home."

"Ight. See you later then." With that, Dre skates to wherever the hell he's going.

Instead of going home, I go to the bridge that crosses the river.

On the way there, I keep thinking about what Dre had said.

Steven had... Won me over?

What was that supposed to mean?

I drop my board next to me, dangling my legs over the bridge. I swing my legs, then continue thinking.

"Hey." A voice says behind me.

I turn around to face the boy. "Oh, hey. What are you doing here?"

Steven took a seat next to me, looking straight down. "Came here to think."

"Oh." I say, not really sure on how to reply.

We both sit next to each other in silence, deep in our own thoughts.



"Were you happy with Aaron?" He asks, sadness filling his eyes.

"Well, I was. He made me happy, he helped me forget what the world really was. But now, without him, I feel lost."

He nods, looking down again at the water. "Have you ever been in love? Like, truly been in love?"

"Maybe. I just never know anymore."

"You make it seem like you've been in love plenty of times."

"There was this one guy. Before Aaron, actually. He treated me like a princess. We would do everything together, we could be ourselves around each other... But..." My eyes started to tear up at the memory.

"What happened?"

"H-he died. One night, we were walking around town, exploring the shops. We were about to enter a coffee shop when-" before I could finish, built up emotions had spilled out. Sobs and tears escaped my body. "When a guy j-jumped me. Trevor said he'd keep me safe, he said that h-he promised my dad." More tears poured out, staining my sweater and cheeks. "The guy pulled out a gun. Before I could say anything, he shot. It was aimed at me, but Trevor..." My voice trailed off.

"I'm sorry. For asking." Steven said, still looking down. "I never knew."

"You're the only one."

He looked at me, surprised. "Savannah?"


"Let's go to my house. I'm getting hungry."

He stood up, offering his hand to me. I shook my head, standing up on my own. "I got it."

We grabbed our boards, then walked to his house.

"You know, the sky is beautiful." He said, almost at a whisper.

"It is."

We sat on the sidewalk admiring the sky for a while.

And I'll admit, it was nice hanging out with Steven.

It felt different... It felt right.

Realized I haven't done this before so...

Follow me on insta it's @//ap.fernandezdoe (edit account)

K cool. Bai.

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