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I opened my eyes to be met with a cold breeze going through my room. I shivered. I sat up and wrapped myself with my blanket. My balcony doors were opened. What the hell?

I stood up and closed them as Alfred walked into the room with breakfast. I smiled.

"Thanks Alfred." I said with a smile which he returned.

"Your welcome miss." He shivered slightly. "Why is it so cold in here." I shrugged.

"I woke up and my balcony doors were open." I said nonchalantly. He nodded. And he left shortly after. I threw my blankets on my bed and walked over and pulled the curtains to look out at the cold cloudy city of Gotham. I went over and sat on my bed and ate my favorite chocolate chip pancakes. It was delicious. Nothing beats Alfred's chocolate chip pancakes.

I finished it up and decided to get dress. I put on black skinny jeans, a dark grey wool jumper and black flats. I brushed through my hair and threw it up into a high pony tail. I put on little owl earrings and an old dream catcher necklace I've always had.

I skipped out of my room with the tray Alfred brought in bringing it to the kitchen and I know, I know it's his job to get it and all but I like helping around here once in awhile. I walked into the I guess you can consider it a ball room or whatever, to see people setting things up.

"Is this for the fundraiser?" I asked walking over to dad who was trying on a suit and talking to Alfred.

"Yes it is." I nodded.

"When is it again?" I ask curiously.

"Two weeks." He answered. I nodded. That's when my phone rang. Mason's name popped up on the screen and I slid the green phone on the screen to answer.

"Hey Mason!" I say walking away from dad and Alfred.

"Hello to you too Katie. What are you doing today?" He asked.

"Um nothing."

"Great!" He said.


"I mean that's uh." He nervously laughed. "Do you want to grab lunch at 12?" I looked at the clock and it read 9.

"Sure! Pick me up then?" I asked.

"Yea um I'll see you then?" He said. I nodded forgetting he couldn't see me.

"Yea. Bye!" I said before clicking my phone off.

"Are you going on a date?" My dad asked. I turn to him.

"He's just a friend dad." I stated.

"Mhm." Was all his said. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I turned and left the room and back into mine.

What to do. What to do. I thought to myself. I've got three hours. I looked over to my desk and saw my sketch book. I contemplated whether or not I should sketch something. Or maybe paint. I thought looking over at my blank canvas with my paints near by. What can I say I'm an artsy person. I grabbed my sketch book and a few sketching pencils walking out and sitting on the balcony. I looked through the glass railings, down below was a little flower shop. I loved going there to admire the flowers and I began sketching the shop with the flowers.
Before I knew it, it was 12. I got a text from Mason saying he was here. I put my things inside and left. I got into the passenger seat and said my hellos to Mason before we left. We didn't go far. We ended up at a little pizza shop two blocks away.

We sat at a table and looked over the menus waiting for our waiter.

"So how are you today?" Mason asked.

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