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Death. That's all there is in Gotham is death.

There were two more bodies found somewhere in the city one with a pencil through his head and another with half of a broke pool cue in they're chest! And do you know who was behind it? The joker. It's been all over the news and he killed yet another guy pretending to be batman but I didn't have the displeasure of watching the video the joker made with the batman wannabe.

I sighed as I sat back in my spiny chair. It's finally Friday. I can go home eat my ice cream and watch supernatural because I have nothing better to do and dad will be gone for the weekend. He is going to China to bring back Lao. I might have over heard him talking about it.

"Katie!" I spinned my chair around to face my friend Lexi. I smiled at her.

"Hey Lex!" I said. She smiled.

"I'm heading out to lunch care to join me?" She asked. I nodded and stood up grabbing my bag and slinging it on my shoulder then we left.
We made or way to a small coffee shop she loves to go to. We made our way to the counter and she ordered her caramel latte and a Danish and me with hazel nut coffee with Irish cream plus a bagel.

We made our way over to a table and sat down. I know it's not much for lunch but it was filling for us.

"So how are you?" She asked. Why do I feel like that's what my friends seem to ask me all the time? I know it's a friendly gesture and all but still.

"Fine." I said.

"You sure?" She asked. I look at her confused.

"Yea why wouldn't I be?" I asked her." She gulped.

"I-it's nothing." She stated looking away.

"No tell me?" She sighed.

"I only ask because well..." She scratched the back of her head nervously. "It's around that time again." She stated looking at me concerned. I took a deep breath.

"Lexi." I stated. "I'm fine. It's been what 5? 6 years? I'm good now. Now please can we drop the subject?" She quickly nodded drinking her coffee. I spread cream cheese on my bagel and took a bite out of it.
" I'm going to the bathroom." I stated standing up.
I walked out of the bathroom and not paying attention I was about to walk into someone but somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me to them. I looked up and saw Jack. I lightly blush and he let go of me.

"Well helloo doll." He said.

"Um hey." I said awkwardly. "And thanks." I said. He chuckled.

"No problem." He said. Me and him were in the corner of the shop where no one was or could really hear us. We sorta just stood there looking at each other. He was wearing faded pair of jeans, a white shirt and had a bandana wrapped around his mouth, which is understandable. He had a white t-shirt on and it showed his toned arms. They weren't too muscly or too lean it was just right. He was perfectly tan too.

"Your drooling." He teased stepping forward. I stopped staring and looked down wiping my mouth but off course nothing was there. I heard him chuckle. I decided to change the subject.

"Thanks for the um flowers the other day." I say looking up. The cloth over his mouth moved and I'm assuming he smiled or smirked.

"Well I couldn't resist not getting flowers for a beautiful girl as yourself." I felt my face heat up and I covered it with my hands.

"They were my favorite, how'd you know?" I asked him.

"Call it a hunch." He said. "See ya around girlie." He said before leaving. My heart stopped when he called me that. I felt sad again. I pushed it to the back of my mind and walked back to my table to find Lexi gone. My phone vibrates and I took it out and saw a text from Lexi

'Family emergency! Sorry for leaving, I will make it up to you promise!'

~Lexi 😜

Ya know there's always a different meaning when it comes to things like that. Like 'I promise' and 'promise' to 'love you' and 'I love you' to 'sorry' and 'I'm sorry'.
I walked down the street back to work since Lexi had to leave. I really wish I had a taser or something because you can't seem to trust anyone in Gotham oh wait because you can't! Sometimes I wish I could leave and go back go college and I can still do that and hopefully get a degree in psychology. I've always wanted to be a psychiatrist and maybe work at Arkham one day. Crazy I know but that's what my mom was before she died and the idea always stuck to me, you know?

Someone rudely walked right into me at last minute making me fall on the ground and kept walking not giving me a glance. I scoff as I stood up.

"Watch where your going!" I snapped. And let me tell you....bad move. The man turned around and glared at be and advanced towards me. My eyes widened as I turned and ran pass people with the man chasing after me.

I took. Glance behind me and saw he was right behind me!

I felt the guy roughly grab me roughly and push me in a nearby alley.

"You little bitch!" The guy sneered before holding me against the wall by my throat. I struggled under his grip clawing at his hands. But of course he didn't budge. I tried pulling his hand off my throat so I can breathe. So I did the only thing I could do that my dad taught me.

Kick him where the sun don't shine. And that's exactly what I did.

He let me go as he fell to the ground holding himself groaning in pain. I took that as my chance to run and to run into someone...again!

"We've got to stop meeting like this toots." Jack teased. He looked over my shoulder and giggled. "And what have we got here?" He said walking over to the guy.

"Jack-" I said trying to warn him. He turned to me with a blank face.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked.

"Not really. I'm fine now."

"Why don't you go because you shouldn't be late back to work riight?" He said dragging out saying right. I slowly nodded.

"What about you?" He smirked.

"I'll uh, take care of this piece of scum." I hesitated before nodding. I slowly turned and walked away.
Jack/Joker's POV

I watched her leave and I grabbed the scumbag by the collar of his coat dragging him further into the alley and into an old garage. I threw him in there kicking him a few times. He yelped in pain and I smiled.

I started to turn angry. I grabbed the guy and threw him against the wall and grabbed my knife holding in his mouth.

He looked at me in horror shaking his head.

"Please don't." He pleaded.

"NO ONE TOUCHES HER!" I yell then began laughing hysterically. I slowly made a permanent smile on his face and slit his throat. I grabbed my make up I've always had on me and applied it on him. And then applied it on myself grabbing my suit and putting it on. I wrapped a rope around his neck and went over to the rotting body of the waitress I killed a few days ago.

I dragged they're bodies out to the van throwing them in slamming the doors shut.
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It seems the Joker is very protective over Katie, huh?


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