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Once again it's Friday, a week has past since that little incident and the last time I saw Jack.

Theirs reporting  of two missing persons. But not really a shocker here in Gotham.

I quickly hopped into the shower and made sure I shaved everything.

I wrapped a towel around me and walked over to my mirror and sink and plugged in my blow dryer and began drying my hair. After that I brushed my hair and plugged in my curling iron.
I pulled the dress on and put my heels on. I checked myself out and I looked nice.

I walked out of my room as people were filling in the pent house for the fundraiser for Harvey.

A waiter passed by and I quickly grabbed a glass on champagne and took a sip.

I saw Rachael and Harvey walk in. I smile and walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" I said. Rachael and Harvey smiled at me.

"Katie you look beautiful." Rachael said hugging me and I of course hugged back, and then I hugged Harvey.

"Where's your dad?" Harvey asked. I shrug.

"No idea." Rachael walked off somewhere. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a helicopter and it landed on the helipad outside.

My dad got out of it with three different girls. I sighed.

"Found him." I said. Harvey chuckled.

"Sorry I'm late, I see you all got started without me. Where is Harvey?" Dad walked forward then seeing Harvey. "Harvey Dent, the man of the hour. Rachael Dawes. She is my oldest friend." Dad when on with his speech and it turned out pretty good. At first I thought he was going to say something bad about him and judging by Rach's face she did too.
A gun shot rang out and I jumped in surprise.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman. We are tonight's entertainment." The joker stated grabbing a piece of shrimp taking a bite out of it. I froze in my spot as people were being pushed back with guns from his goons. My heart raced.

That's Jack! I-I can't believe I.....

He's been the one I've talked to, the one who's been sending me flowers and....

How am I so stupid? How did I not realize that?

"I only have one question. Where is Harvey Dent." He said pointing his gun around. "Do you know who he is?" He asked a random guy. He grabbed a guy's face with his hand. "Do you know where Harvey is?" He looked around and stood in front of an old guy. "Ya know, I will settle for his loved ones."

"We're not intimidated by you thugs." The old guy stated.

"You know..." The joker trailed off setting a glass down. "You remind me of my father." He grabs the guy holding a knife to his face. I had say or to do something at least. "I hated my father!" I pushed my way through the crowd.

"Okay stop!" I practically yelled. I said stepping up. Joker, Jack or whoever he is pushed the old guy back. He looked at me and he began checking me out.

"Well helloooo beautiful." Joker said walking towards me pushing his hair back. "You are Bruce Wayne's daughter. And you are beautiful." He circled around me like he was a predator and me being the prey. And he finally stopped in front of me. We were so close i can practically feel his breath on me. God he looks so-

Hold yourself together Katie! He is a murderer! He's killed people!

"You look nervous." He states. I glared crossing my arms.

"I'm not nervous I just don't like you." I spat. I saw people's eyes widen in fear. Joker/Jack smirked.

"Do you want to know how I got these scars?" He asks. I didn't answer. Truthfully I did want to know but I didn't want to give in to him. He grabbed me by my waist pulling me to him. I gasped in surprise. He held the knife close to my face. "I had a wife. Beautiful like you, who tells me I worry to much, who tells me I need to smile more. She's one to get deep with the sharks. One night they carve a smile on her face. We had no money for surgeries, and she can't take it. I just wanted to see her smile again. I wanted her to know that I don't care about the scars. So I take a razor and do this to my mouth." He turns his face to showing me. "And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves. Now I see the funny side." He told me letting me go. I push him back and kick him where the sun don't shine. He leans down and laughs. "There's a little fight in you. I like that." He tells me stepping forward.

"Then your going to love me." Dad says in his Batman suit coming out of no where punching joker. I kind of flinched. And a whole fight began with dad, joker and his goons.

The joker quickly grabbed me, pulling me to him, my back against his chest. He pulls a gun out. The goons are down.

"Drop the gun!" Dad/Batman says.

"Drop your mask and show everybody who you really are." He began laughing and he shot the window behind us and he dragged me over to it. He grabbed my arm and leaned me over the ledge me basically hanging out of it. I struggle trying not to fall to my death.

"Let her go!"

"Very poor choice of words." Joker states. He lets go of me. I scream as dad jumps out the window but at last minute the joker grabbed my hand and pulled me back inside of the room as dad fell off the building. I began to panic. Joker winked at me before he left.

Everybody ran out and left afterwards. Alfred ran over to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I nodded.

"I'm fine. Is dad going-"

"I'm alright." Dad said walking in. I ran over to him and hugged him. We pulled apart and he placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"Remind me to not go to another party for...awhile." I walk away. "I'm going to bed don't bother me please."
I stripped out of the dress and kicked my heels off once I was in my room closing the door and locking it.

I put on black booty shorts and a white crop top.

"Mm, mm, mm." I jumped startled and turned around. The joker stood there leaning against my wall. I noticed the balcony doors open.

"What do you want joker." I snapped. He smirked and made a 'tut, tut' sound.

"To see you of course." He said pushing himself off the wall. He looked me up and down. "I must say you do look ravishing."

I stare at him as he came closer to me.

"Do you want to know how I got these scars?" He asks touching them with his knife he pulled out seconds before.

"Yes." I said my voice firm and unwavering. He slams me into the wall holding the knife against my neck. "I'm not afraid of you." I state. He lets go of me and laughs like the maniac he is. He points the knife at me.

"That's what I love about you doll." He says grinning.

"That bull shit story of yours on how you got those scars earlier was a lie." He smirks.

"It is." His hand trails down my side and back up. I shiver. He smirks.

"Were you stalking me?" I ask him out of no where. His smirk drops.

"More like watching over you." He said looking at me intently.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know. I just ugh feeel the need to watch over you. I have other reasons which you shouldn't worry that pretty little head of yours." He says stroking my face.

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