Part 6

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You were at the airport after you returned to Earth from fighting the Galaxy.

"Please don't leave (Y/N)." Aoi spoke giving you a hug. You were crying and she was crying.

"I can't stay here any longer. It's too much for me." You cried hugging her back. You hugged each of your friends goodbye. Tsurugi was there but you avoided him. They could go with you to the gate. But no further.

"For those who are boarding flight 673 to (Any country) please make you way to gate 15."

"This is me."

"Promise me you'll come visit soon." Aoi said giving you one more hug. You smiled through your tears.

"I promise. When my new school is on it's break. I'll get the first flight here."

"(Y/N). Then we can play soccer together again." Tenma spoke.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." You gave Tenma another hug. One by one each person on the team came up to you. Giving you another hug. And telling you something they wanted to do with you when you came to visit. Tsurugi stood there with a sad look on his face. You couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Last call for Flight 673 to (Same country) please go to gate 15."

You smiled through your tears once more.

"This is goodbye." Your friends all looked sad. And you felt horrible. You turned your back to them. You sniffed and wiped your eyes before making your way over to the gate. You were almost there when you were stopped.

"(Y/N) Please don't do this."

"Too late Tsurugi." You whispered.

"It's not too late. I love you too much to let you go."

"You don't love me."

"Why do you keep saying that!?"

"Because I know it's true." You carried on walking and you got through the gate.

"I miss you guys." You whispered to yourself.

You sat on the plane next to the window. You put your hand on the glass.

"I love you." You spoke ad the plane started and it was soon of the ground. You let the tears fall.

"We'll play soccer sometime." You whispered

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