Chapter 9

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"How do you think we should do this?" Taylor questioned. Her and Adam had called Tree, Taylor's publicist, so they could discuss how to go public with their relationship and Richard. They met up in Nashville while Richard was in school.

"It's up to you really. This is a lot bigger than your image. It's your kid. The only thing I'll do is talk to the press, some of them at least. It's up to you guys." Tree said. "Your relationship is the same. You tell everyone the way you want to. I'm here to minimize the damage it may cause. Just don't drop the bomb all at once or you'll set the world on fire." Tree laughed.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing?" Adam asked from where he was sitting, next to Taylor, his hand resting on her thigh.

"Honestly, yes. He needs a normal life so I think you should do it." Tree smiled at them. "Well, I have to go." She stood up and Taylor led her to the door.

"So what now?" Taylor sat down on the couch, leaning her head back, closing her eyes. She felt him sit next to her.

"Do you want to do it right now or do we wait?" He asked, kissing her cheek. "Maybe we could just make our relationship public and then tell the world about Richard."

"Do you want to post a picture?" She questioned. "We have that one that Karlie took last week when she came over for dinner." The picture was Adam kissing Taylor's cheek, Karlie had taken it without them noticing and Taylor loved that picture.

"If you want to then yes, babe." She stood up to get her phone and opened up the instagram app. "Caption it: Love will always find its way back to you." He smiled at her.

"It did. Good job, babe." She told him while typing. She waited a few seconds before posting it, knowing the world would explode. Then she pressed the button and there was no going back. Everyone officially knew about them being together. But she knew telling everyone about Richard would be harder. "I love you." She whispered, sitting down and kissing his lips, smiling.

"I love you more." He grinned.

A couple of weeks later, they started posting pictures of Richard. Everyone was starting to ask questions. Who is that kid on Taylor Swift's instagram? Why is Calvin Harris also posting pictures of the kid? It was enough to send everyone crazy as they hadn't answered to any questions yet. Taylor and Adam had started planning everything. Richard would move to LA since it was closer to Adam and Taylor spent most of her time there. They had already started to make the school transfer and started shipping everything Richard had to LA. Adam was ecstatic that he only had a fifteen minute drive to get to his son.
The official announcement would be posted first on Taylor's tumblr then there would be an interview with Vogue and a photo shoot. This was Tree's idea and as much as Taylor hated that everything had to be so public, she had to explain and it would be better to do it all at once.

"Ricky! Dinner's ready!" Taylor yelled out. He had been upstairs playing the whole afternoon while Adam and Taylor were watching Friends, cuddling on the couch. They had been in LA next week and Taylor had paparazzi basically camping outside her house. It was stressful but it somehow felt right. She was grateful she could go out with her boyfriend anytime she wanted and soon she would be able to do that with her son too.

"Mommy, when am I going to LA with you?" Richard asked, once he sat down. They had tried to explain as best as they could and Richard seemed to have gotten the whole picture. He knew there would be men with cameras and people asking question and he knew he had to ignore them.

"On Friday, sweetie. Why?" She questioned, confused as to why he was asking that. She knew Richard was a normally curious kid and he had many questions about everything. Sometimes she would Google stuff while he wasn't watching so she could have an answer to every question he asked.

"When I was on the phone with Leo yesterday he said that Disneyland is near there and we can go to the beach too. Is that true?" Another positive aspect of living in LA would be that Richard would be able to be around Leo more and that made him extremely excited.

"Yeah, maybe we'll go there sometime." She smiled at him. Her gaze moved towards Adam, who was grinning at them.

The next day, Taylor was in her room, writing the message where she would tell the world about her baby. She wasn't sure if there was a right way to tell everyone, after she had kept him away for five years, she imagined this would shock people, even more now that they knew about her and Adam's relationship. She was scared as she sat on the bed, her laptop on her lap, Adam sitting next to her scrolling through his phone.

"I'm scared." She blurted out making him look at her. "I'm scared about what everyone will think. You were mad at me when you found out, what if my fans leave me? What if everyone hates me?" She rambled.

"Taylor, I wasn't mad at you, maybe at first but I understood. This is different. Your fans love you unconditionally. You could kill someone and they'd still love you." He laughed lightly, taking the laptop from her lap and placing it on the bed before pulling her closer, kissing her cheek. "You don't have to worry about what everyone will think. It's about Ricky. We can do normal things with him like going to the beach and do whatever we want without having to worry. Taylor, it's worth it. We can be a normal family." He told her, rubbing cheek. She nodded, placing the laptop on her lap again. She started typing.

'Hey, guys. I'm writing to you because there is something I though you should know. Lately, I'm sure you've seen pictures of a little boy in my Instagram and my boyfriend's as well. This is something I've kept from you for a really long time and I'm used to sharing big events that happen in my life with you but this is something that I wasn't ready to tell you until now. For many reasons I've kept this secret for more than five years. This is perhaps the most important thing in my life, bigger than my career, bigger than any record. This is by far my best creation. Not just mine but Adam's as well. In music, I've done a lot of collaborations but this is the first and best collaboration I've done in my life. His name is Richard and he's mine and Adam's son.

I wanted him to have a life away from the prying eyes and cameras and headlines but the time has come for him to come into the world that I'm in apart from being his mom. I've kept him a secret but as he grows older, Adam and I feel the need to let everyone know as you'll be seeing a lot more of him in the future. I believe you guys deserve to know after everything you've done for me. You've supported me and defended me against haters and anyone who would offend me. I hope you understand my reasons as to why I kept him from you for so long and I also hope you accept him and love him. He's the light of my life and I've never been prouder.

Thank you for being there for me when there was no one else. Thank you for giving me the life that I have but most of all thank you for loving me. I will forever be grateful and I hope you support me now as well.


Adam read the whole thing and told her to post it so she did and with that a few minutes later her phone was blowing up with notifications and with every post, as she scrolled through her dash, there was nothing but love and support. A sigh of relief escaped from Taylor's mouth as she saw everyone saying how cute Richard was and how they understood why she kept him a secret. She knew that the media would soon catch up on this and she was afraid of that but when she looked over at Adam, his smile brighter than a million suns, looking at her like she knew all the answers to every question he ever had, she knew. Her son was sleeping in the room next to them and the man she loved smiling at her, she knew everything would be just fine.

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