Chapter 16

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"Are you ready to go?" Adam questioned, entering the bedroom. Today was the day Taylor was leaving for tour. She was going to Australia for the first show. There would be two shows in Australia then she would come home and start the shows in America before ending in Europe.

She nodded her head, smiling softly at him. He wandered towards her and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her into his chest. She sighed, sinking into him. She had been so stressed these last few days, with getting everything ready to go on tour, Adam had been telling her not to worry but it was almost impossible with everything going on.

"At least we get to go with you during these two days." Adam noted, kissing her head. Since the tour was starting on a Friday, Adam and Richard would get to be with her on the first and second show. In the midst of all the stress she was excited because she would finally show her fans what she had been working on so hard.

"Yeah." She nodded her head. "Is Ricky ready?" She asked.

"I think so but I'll go check up on him." He pecked her lips quickly before making his way to Richard's room.

She looked around, checking if she had everything she needed for the next few days. Deciding she should probably go downstairs, she took the bags and walked down the stairs. She set the bags on the floor and sat down on the couch, scrolling through her phone on tumblr looking at all the posts about the tour. It made her smile to know about how excited they were.

"Mommy!" She heard Richard's voice and turned in the direction she heard it from to find her son smiling at her.

Soon enough they were on the plane to Australia and Richard was being particularly impatient. It was a long flight and they knew that he would be fussy since he wasn't very fond of being in the same place for a long time.

"Ricky, this is the last time I'm warning you. Stop jumping on your seat." Taylor said sternly, looking at Richard who stopped what he was doing. "It's just a few hours put a movie on the IPad." She sighed as he went to go get it. She looked at Adam who had his head on her shoulder and he was sleeping. He was probably tired from last night as Taylor had asked him to go get McDonald's and he couldn't say no. She smiled, remembering how tired he was but he still did it and stayed awake until she fell asleep.

Richard had fallen asleep half way through the movie and she decided she would sleep as well. She woke up, hours later and peeled her eyes open to find Adam and Richard laughing with one another. She stayed back and watched their smiles grow bigger. They were her family and she had never felt bigger pride in her life. She was still building that family with Adam and she couldn't be happier.

"Miss Swift, Mr. Wiles and mini Swift, we're about to land so you better put your seatbelts on." The pilot said through the speakers. The man had been her pilot for a long time and he had always been very nice to her. He was an incredible guy and his daughter was a fan of Taylor's.

She buckled her seatbelt and helped Richard do the same and in minutes they were landing in Sydney for the show.

Later that night, she was dressing room waiting to go on stage with Richard and Adam. Richard was playing games on Taylor's phone while Adam was sitting on the couch with Taylor on his lap.

"Taylor, you're on in ten." The voice called out from the other side of the door and Taylor stood up, looking at the mirror one last time to check if her makeup was good.

"You look hot, babe." Adam smirked, from behind her, kissing her.

"I know." She winked before walking towards the door making him laugh. He told Richard to turn off the phone and he did, reaching for his dad's hand walking out the door.

"Good luck, babe." Adam kissed her lips, smiling after they checked if everything was ready. "I love you."

"I love you too." She grinned at him before kneeling down in front of Richard. "And I love you too, mister." She poked his nose making him giggle before kissing his forehead.

"I love you too, mommy." He smiled cutely, pressing his lips to her cheek. She walked away from them, waving and smiling as she went under the stage. Adam picked Richard up and set him on his hip and walked into the arena where thousands of fans were waiting to see the woman he loved perform. Of course everyone noticed as they walked by with security, heading to the sound booth. When they got there, a girl asked if she could take a picture with Richard. "Daddy, can I take a picture with this girl?" He asked, looking up at his dad.

"Yeah, kid. I'll take the picture." He smiled at the girl taking her phone. "Ready?" He questioned, looking at his son.

"No, wait! Does my hair look good?" H inquired making the nice girl beside him laugh.

"It's fine, Ricky." Adam rolled his eyes, as Ricky smiled before taking the picture. "Okay that's good." He handed the phone over to the girl.

"Thank you so much." The girl said before walking to her seat.

"Daddy, when is mommy going on stage?" Richard asked Adam, looking around as everyone's eyes were on them.

"Really soon, kid." He answered. "Do you want to go up on daddy's shoulders, love?" Richard nodded enthusiastically and Adam picked him up and set him on his shoulders.

The lights went out making instant screams sound through the arena and Adam smiled, proud of his girl. Then there she was as beautiful as ever on stage singing.

"Mommy!" Richard grinned and Adam laughed as he danced to the beat of the song. As she walked closer to them, she smiled and waved. Something that always happened when Taylor performed was that Adam could not take his eyes off of her. The way she moved, the way she sang, her smile was enough to capture him. Even when they weren't together, at award shows whenever she performed he was enthralled by her, watching her every move.

Towards the end of the show, Taylor had her guitar in her hand, ready to perform a surprise song as she would be doing every night. She had decided to do 'never grow up' since Richard would be there. She wanted to dedicate that song to him.

"So, I don't know if you know this but my son is here tonight." She smiled, looking at Richard as cheers erupted all around. "And I was thinking a little earlier today of how amazing you have been and how supportive you have been of me and my family. And I was thinking that that special little soul on his dad's shoulder deserves to have a song dedicated to him, right?" She grinned. "You know if there is one thing that I've noticed these days is how fast he's growing. Now he's in school and everything and I keep looking back on all these years ever since he was born and I'm just like 'man, I just wish he would never grow up'." She laughed, starting to play the song. "I used to sing 'never grow up' to him when he couldn't sleep so this is a very special moment for all of us." She sang the words as everyone including Adam and Richard sang along. It was a beautiful moment that would forever be in their memories.

"That was incredible, baby." Adam complimented her as she came backstage. She smiled at him.

"Thank you for saying that." She kissed his cheek. "I need to get a shower because I have to meet fans soon." She grinned disappearing into the dressing room.

When she was in that room, with the fans, complementing the show and her family, she felt super happy. Adam and Richard came with her to meet fans and everyone was so excited.

"By the way, Richard is like the cutest thing ever." A fan told her making her smile and look over to where Richard was telling jokes making fans laugh.

"Thank you I mean he does have my genes." She joked, winking before hugging the fan, whispering 'I love you' before moving on to the next.

All in all the first night of the tour was amazing and she couldn't have been happier to have her family there with her.

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