part nine ♚ dated

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Emmaline was all too happy to finally be away from the other girls after dinner. She flopped into a chair in a quiet corner at the back of the library and closed her eyes. "That was exhausting. How do you do it?"

James laughed and unknotted his tie. He bunched up the fabric and stuffed it into his coat pocket. "Kade's had years of practice, Jem. He knows how to pretend he likes being around people." She opened her eyes and raised an eyebrow at him. "You actually think he enjoys being around people?"

"I really don't," I said. "All those smiles are fake. I've never liked being around people. I act like I do because I have to."

She looked sympathetic. "This isn't the life for you?"

"On a learning level, it is. I can speak more languages fluently than I can count on my hand. I'm good at math and politics and dealing with the economy. I'm good at reading people and good at calling bullshit. Actually dealing with people is a trait I didn't inherit from my father."

"Being able to learn all of that sounds nice," she sighed. "We never learned anything of interest in school. I wasn't even given the option of learning another language."

"That sounds awful." I said. "No wonder James complained about school so often." I made a mental note to discuss the public school system with Eadlyn. Perhaps we could change it and make it like how our classes were, even if we did get private tutors.

Emmaline laughed. Dustan shook his head. "Maybe if he made an effort, he wouldn't have been complaining so much."

"Hey, I was kind of busy in prison." James said. "I had more important things to do than do math. Like, you know. Stay alive."

Emmaline rolled her eyes. "You're a problem child, James."

He beamed at her. "I get it from my father. Now, I don't know about these two idiots, but I want to hear this half song."

She shook her head. "Nope. Sorry James, but that's for Kaden's ears only." She smiled at me like it was a big secret.

He groaned and began to whine. Dustan stepped out of the room, raising his cell phone to his ear. He was gone for a while, and we returned he looked irritated. "James, you don't have your phone?"

He shrugged. "Must've forgotten it at home." His grin said otherwise.

"And I suppose you also forgot to tell your parents where you are?"

James's eyes darkened. His hands tightened on the arms of the chair. "Not like they care anyway."

He stood, the dark look not leaving his face. "I guess I should go. Wouldn't want to worry my dear mother and loving father, now would I?" He looked at me. "I'll call you later." He spun on his heel and left the room.

Dustan smiled sheepishly. "Perfect timing? Sorry about him. We'll talk to you both later." He bowed a little towards Emmaline, almost like she was part of my family. "Hope you enjoyed today, Emmaline. Your songs were beautiful." He left too.

Emmaline turned to me and swiped off her palms on her dress. "I would assume you want to hear the song?"

"You would assume correct."

She stood, her hands trembling, and knelt in front of her violin case. She carefully prepped her instrument, but holding it didn't seem to calm her nerves. I wanted to comfort her, but I wasn't sure what she was so worried about.

When she turned to face me, her cheeks were tinted pink. "This, there's a reason why I didn't want anyone else to hear it. It's special."

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