part fifteen ♚ neolithic

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Summer, Danielle, Essence, and Chanel cornered me on Tuesday, a day off for them, when they were supposed to be in the Women's Room. They were quite the group, I had to admit.

Summer and Essence hadn't spoken once during the entire Selection. They were opposites in every way with their personalities, but similar in their appearances--tanned skin, freckles dotting their skin, luminescent eyes, and golden brown hair. They seemed to despise each other, but they stood next to each other as if they'd been best friends for years.

Danielle and Chanel were rivals throughout the competition. Since day one, they'd been competing for one of the top spots. Summer and Danielle talked in the beginning but had never gotten very close. Essence and Chanel had only recently started talking, and since a few weeks ago, they'd been inseparable. Because of Essence was friends with Chanel, Summer didn't talk to her.

With all of that information, it was understandable why I was so bewildered when I was notified that I had four Selected outside my office door to see me, and even more so when I found who it was.

Essence and Chanel, the obvious leaders of this group, took the two chairs on the opposite side of my desk. Danielle and Summer stood just behind the chairs. The looks on their faces were flat and serious, and I worried that something had happened.

"Your Highness," Chanel said. "We know that you have to narrow the competition down to the Elite soon, and we all know that you only have eyes for Lady Emmaline."

Essence continued. "In order to make this decision easier for you, since you're currently under a lot of stress and pressure, we decided to come talk to you."

Summer paused, inhaled, and then began. "We know that there are generally ten Elite, but we also know that you would like to narrow it down a little more to make the competition go on a little faster. So, we have a...a request, if you will."

"Send us home," Danielle said in her small voice. "Take the decision out of it."

I wanted to say something, but I was stunned speechless.

Chanel, taking my silence for hesitation, hurried to add, "We know that we don't have a chance, Your Highness. And we don't care. We'd just like to help you, and this was the only way we knew how. We've discussed it extensively, and it's what we all want." The other girls nodded in agreement.

I was amazed. I hadn't ever heard of any Selected willingly going home, much less offering to go home to make a decision easier. I hadn't expected to hear it from these girls, especially ones that were so determined and dedicated.

"Do you really want to go home?" I asked.

Summer nodded. "Yes, Your Highness." She smiled. "My sister just had a baby. I'd like to meet my nephew."

"And I miss my family," Chanel said.

Essence shrugged, tossing her blonde hair back over her shoulder. "I've decided that the life of a princess isn't the life for me. I'd like to go home and find out what is."

Danielle turned bright red. She shifted from foot to foot and stared at the floor. "Being here and knowing you has made me realize that someone back home has had my heart for a long time." She looked up at me and smiled. "You remind me of--of a friend, Prince Kaden."

I knew who she was talking about immediately--her best friend. From the fond way she always spoke of her friend and everything she'd told me, I had guessed from the beginning that there were feelings there. Knowing that I reminded her of someone so dear to her warmed my heart. "Thank you, Danielle." I looked between the four girls and sighed. "Well, ladies. I guess I have my Elite."

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