Glorified Ignorance (Chapter 15)

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Okay i'll never do that again.

Anyways, it has been left up to me to update and keep everything going while these bitches get their shit together.

When i'm aout to start a sentence and i dont know what to write i just end up pushing 'Shift' over and over and that sticky keys thing always pops up. e.e Just thought you should know that. xD|

Let me just get on to the chapter before you all kill me okay. xD

Oh yeah and the title is from America by Motionless In White.



Phoenix's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to find Jayy staring down at me.

"Good morning" I mumbled, cuddling deeper into his chest.

"Morning? It's like 12:30" He laughed.

"Close enough to morning" I said sitting up and yawning. "How long have you been up?"

"About and hour" He said sitting up beside me.

"And you stayed in here?" I asked looking over at him.

"I didn't want to leave" He said cheekily. Awwww.

I pokes his cheeks and giggled "You're cute"

He chuckled and and grabbed my hands. "But you're adorable." He said kissing my nose.

I giggled, wrinkling my nose. "I'm hungry" I said, standing up to walk downstairs.

"Damn, do you think those shorts are short enough?" Jayy asked grabbing the back of my shorts and pulling me back down into his lap.

"Yeah, they're shorts, that's the point." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"I'll bite that." He smirked.

I just laughed and got up.

I walked downstairs with Jayy following closely behind me.

As i walked into the kitchen i noticed Dad feeding Lucifer.

"You haven't even had the cat a damn week and i'm already having to feed it." He whined, putting the food away.

I giggled. "You should've waited until i woke up. I would have."

Aussie soon entered the kitchen in his boxers, and without even looking at me said "Put some clothes on Phoenix."

I took this moment to pants him. I slowly walked up behind him and yanked his boxers down. "Put some clothes on Aussie!" I screamed in his ear.

He slowly turned around to look at me. "You're a dead bitch" He said quietly. There was a long silence until i took off running. I ran up the stairs, hearing Aussies footsteps following closely behind me. I thought quickly and ran to Jayy and I's room. I quickly opened the window, climbing out onto the window seal. I closed the window behind me, to buy me time. That only gave me about two inches of sitting space. I dove onto the roof of what would be Brandy's room, probably waking her up. It was slanted so i couldn't exactly stop myself. I almost fell on my face. I managed to stay on my feet, stumbling slightly, and waited for Aussie to figure out what I'd done and follow me. I left the window cracked so he'd know i went out that way.

Sure enough, Aussie was climbing out the window in no time. The only difference is, he jumps out that window all the time. As soon as he made the leap I ran into the house, slamming the door and locking it behind me, along with every other door and window that he could reach. I smiled and walked into the living room to find everyone laughing.

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