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I'm jealous of the rain
That falls upon your skin
It's closer than your shadow

This became my second home over the years and I was so ready to just kick him right in the ass.
I took a deep breath and went straight up to Amos room and closed the door behind me.

It changed.
No more desk , with a beanie chair.
The single bed was now double.
Stacks of shoe boxes.
I knew he was working , got an apprenticeship at The Bank of America.
Heard the pay is something real meaty.
I was now believing it.
But one thing never changed it was the picture frame , the picture of Amos and I at my mums wedding.
Me in a peach dress and him in his 3 piece TM Lewin suit.
I picked it up and managed to smile from ear to ear .

A deep voice filled the house yet it was so muffled I ignored it.

Voice;- HANNAH!!

I didn't reply I was just so captured that this picture was on display, my best friend was everything he held it down.


I jumped as I swirled around.
Me;- AMOS!!!!
I ran and jumped on to him.
Tears began streaming down my face.

Me;- I missed you , I haven't hugged in 3 years
Amos;- Miss Young I missed you , but you are going to rip up my £600 suit
Me;- Awww so you are still stupid

I was still hugging him ,
Then sighed and let go of him.
He looked at me and gave a cheeky smirk.

Amos;- you lost some weight
Me;- I was dieting
Amos;- but it looks good you look amazing
Me;- Amos stop it
Amos;- no honestly your almost my type

For a second I looked at him
He looked back.
Then we burst out laughing , oh how've missed my partner in crime.

Hannah started crying.
Amos didn't seem to be bothered though

Me;- you not gonna do something!?
Amos;- she's with her dad she will be fine
Me;- he is clearly doing something wrong I'm gonna go see if she's okay
Amos;- you have a weakness Hannah
Me;- My kindness I know

I followed the sounds of Baby Hannah's cries and found myself in Andrews room.
He wasn't in there though.
She was sitting in her cott screaming as tears welled down her eyes and cheeks.

Me;- Hello Hannah , is there anything big Hannah can do for you? How bout I take you out of the cot and just watch some cbbies how about that?

I picked her up out of the cot and rocked her. Sang with her a little bit. I thought I'd go downstairs and make something to eat but I stopped by Amos telling him what was up

Me;- Amos , I'm gonna make some food you want some?
Amos;- what you making Miss Young ?
Me;- food.
Amos;- what's your husband eating?
Me;- husband?? What?
Amos;- Andrew!!
Me;- idnnoe where his gone I'm gonna make spag Boll
Amos;- I will find out where his gone , excuse me please

Amos pushed past me and flew out the door faster than I could ask if Hannah was allergic to anything.

Me;- Well miss Hannah looks like it's just me and you

I travelled to the kitchen with baby on hip and put Hannah on the high chair facing the telly. I diced chopped and mixed flavours until the dish was all done.

I dished out some food for Hannah and some for myself and left enough food for Amos and Andrew on the stove.
I fed the bubba and really enjoyed spending time with her , she weren't mine but she was supposed to be. After eating we went back upstairs to the spare room where I knew there was sky and a mini fridge filled with stuff and I love my snacks so I was bound to be happy.


Me;- where Is Drew?
Amos;- in his room where he lives
Me;- sooo do I just go up there?
Amos;- knock first

We looked at each other and burst into laughter.
It was something we did cos we could never take each other seriously but we knew it was a serious imperative statement.
I quickly stopped smiling and took a deep breath trying to relax myself.

Me;- Do I look okay?
Amos;- you aren't my type but those jeans are fitting right
Me;- not too provocative ?
Amos;- Can you just go?
Me;- WAIT!! Breath check ???
Amos;- did you have McDonald's

I quickly threw my hands over my mouth in embarrassment ;- I have burger breath.
Amos burst out laughing but at this point I was too embarrassed shocked and panicked to laugh with him!!

Amos;- here!! Take tic tacs , you want gum too??

I wish you the best of all this world could give
And I told you when you left me there's nothing to forgive


The door creaked open causing my eyes to flutter , I then heads the floor boards creak and heavy footsteps.
As I rubbed my eyes and turned to baby Hannah who was still asleep I flipped my body over to unexpectedly face Andrew.
I was filled with rage , but I couldn't help but smile at him. I loved him.
I quickly snapped out of it. I began to whisper

Me;- where the hell did you go ?
Drew;- down the road went for a walk
Me;- what and left the baby ?
Drew;- what's the problem she was asleep
Me;- woooahhh I'm gonna go I don't have the energy to tell you to grow the hell up

Amos walked in.
And we both looked at him before I took a quick glimpse of Drew and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and someone was in there. She was short , and had a pixie cut dyed in a chestnut brown her skin was Milk chocolate and her cheekbones were sat rather high.
I would be a blatant liar to say she wasn't gorgeous, the girl was absolutely stunning, her skin was so clean no flaw and only two piercing places one on each ear.

I was hoping that you'd come back tell me what you found was heartbreak and misery it's hard for me to say I'm jealous of the way

She gave a weak smile. I tried not to make harsh eye contact but smiled.
I sat on the stool as she was just on her phone doing whatever it was she was doing.

Me;- soooo I'm
Pam;- Hannah
Me;- you know my name!?
Pam;- yes my daughter is named after you , I'm Pamela
Me;- your daughter? As in you and Drew!?
Pam;- that's how you make a baby
Me;- Ohhhh
Pam;- we just wanted a baby we we're not together but things changed were trying to make a family work
Me;- that's not my business
Pam;- then why do you look so hurt?
Me;- I'm sorry I have to go!!

I walked out the kitchen and walked back up to Amos room.
His door was open so I walked straight in.

Me;- Pamela
Amos;- that's Hannah's mother
Me;- she's beautiful
Amos;- he wanted you Hannah but you weren't here
Me;- he could've waited
Amos;- that would've been selfish Hannah you know that.

Your happy without me.

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