Yours Was The Body

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Kuroko had lost track of time. His body was stuck in limbo, floating in an endless sea of blurs of black and colors with voices that were muted.

He was drowning, and he was close to accepting it. He knew someone was with him, a large hand that would hold his, lips that touched every one of his fingers, and a far off voice begging.

Come back.


Wake up, Tetsu. Please..


I need you.

Do I need you?

He cracked open his eyes, the hand that was on his had been gone for a bit, his fingers slowly moving, joins cracking as he twitched them, slowly remembering how to breathe.

He sat up and winced. His body felt weak, fragile and like glass. He was on a hospital bed, the monitor next to him beeped loudly, going faster as Kuroko began to awaken.

"Tetsu?!" Kuroko looked up as Aomine entered the room, he was holding a coke in one hand, he dropped it to the ground,  and rushed over to the cotton candy headed male.

"Oh, Tetsu!" He said, hugging him so tightly Kuroko thought his chest would burst.

Wetness was on his cheeks and on his shoulder, both of them were crying.

"Don't... Don't do that again, Tetsu! I thought I lost you!" Kuroko sniffled loudly before a sob broke through his lips.

After a bit of time, Aomine broke away from the embrace.

"L-let's go home, Tetsu."

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