When the Light met the Shadow

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"You'll be staying with me. Do not leave this garden unless it's one of your three meals. Books and a place to stay will be provided to you, as well as refreshments, but that will be all."

Kuroko glared at the paper before him. A few days after the incident with Akashi and Aomine, he was forced to Akashi's private gardens, to stay with the roses and the giant tree that he sat underneath, a floppy yellow sunhat on his head and light clothes for the sun.

"Ah, I'll get it!" A slightly muffled voice made him jump as well as a basketball appearing, thudding as it handed just feet from Kuroko.

"Oh..." Kuroko looked up with wide eyes at the tall teen before him. He was slightly tanned with thick splitting eyebrows and ombré hair that hung into intense red eyes.

"A-ah! Sorry! Did I hit you?" Kuroko shook his head, blinking slowly.

"N-no, I'm fine. Are you okay? That bush had some prickers." He said, standing up and gently touching his-holy crap he's ripped- arm, pulling out a thorn.

"Ow!" The red head cried, swatting away Kuroko's hand.

"I'm okay, I can have my sister take them out." He looked around the large garden.

"Do you live here? It's quite big." Kuroko bit his lip, about to answer when the front door slammed.

He gasped, standing up and pushing Kagami.

"You have to leave! Please, go!" He cried, Akashi was home, and who knew what would happen if he had found Kagami there.

Kagami was confused for a moment, but soon turned, carrying his basketball, back through the bush and to his side.

Relief followed by stinging pain sliced at Kuroko. He screamed as the shock collar buzzed, falling to the ground and twitching as the buzzing soon went down.

"Who was here, Tetsuya." Kuroko shook his head, refusing to answer.

"Tell me, Tetsuya!" Akashi ordered, shocking him again.

"I-I don't know!" Kuroko screamed, clawing at the collar. "Please, stop!"

Akashi stooped down by him, grasping him by his hair.

"I have given you everything. And now, I'm moving you again." He hissed, slamming Kuroko's head into the ground, knocking him out cold.

Akashi smirked, pulling out his phone.

"Do you have the wall readied?... Good." He hung up and left, storming inside and letting his men know to take Kuroko's body away.

He was keeping his Tetsuya. All. To.  Him. Self.

And no one was going to change that.

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