Giving In

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Holy shit! Did Trouble just kiss me? Please tell me I didn't imagine it. My shock must have shown because she just giggled.

" Thank you for trying to make me feel better. " She didn't believe me! What the hell was I going to do now?

" Trouble, I'm serious. It's why we are on our own for now. They are going to have to find us. Damn it Trouble! If we are going to get out of this you have to trust me!" I started twisting my earring. I was no leader that was for sure but now I was in charge of getting me and Trouble the fuck out of here safely. I had no idea how to even start. We had no phones or means to contact the guys or any other way out of here. I was in over my damn head. Trouble laid a hand on my chest getting my attention.

" I do trust you Meanie and I want to believe you. It would be nice to know I'm not crazy but even if your just trying to make me feel better it really isn't necessary. I always feel saner around you and the others." Her hand fluttered away and she started fiddling with her necklace. Wait! Our Timepieces! I had forgotten about them! I pulled mine out of my pocket and opened up the back. Ah, Flaming Fairy Farts! I don't know how but whoever had us trapped was messing up our Timepieces too.

" So We're really stuck Meanie?" Trouble looked so damn upset. I gathered her onto my lap and she curled into me.

" Yeah Trouble, We are. But we'll be okay. We have each other and that means we can get through any damn thing." Just then the door opened. Trouble stiffened against me and started trembling. I stared at the man who had just come through the door knowing I was face to face with the asshole responsible for all this crap. I was shocked that he looked so ordinary. Middle aged with average features and brown hair and eyes, he could have been any guy walking down any street in Charleston. I don't know what the fuck I was expecting but someone who could have been my buddy's dad wasn't it. Trouble clung tighter to me and my grip on her was like iron. Despite this guy's appearance I didn't trust him.

" Allow me to welcome you to my home. I do hope you'll enjoy your stay here. I must say it's a pleasure to play host to such a unique bonded pair. " I glared at him. What the hell did this ass wipe want from us? Trouble's fear was overwhelming and I was doing my best to send her calming waves but I don't think it was working, especially since my own fear and anger were so prevalent right now. " I have a few tasks for you two and if you play nicely you will be rewarded. I am quite generous to my favored pets and right now I'm quite partial to my new bonded pets. What do you say?" Okay, this guy was officially off his fucking rocker.

" Who the hell are you?" I needed to know, I was willing to bet this was the rogue keeper we were sent to investigate. The guy actually bowed to us, Shithead!

" Forgive me, Gabriel. You may call me Volto for now. So to my question, what is your answer?" I was unnerved by this guy. Every damn thing about him just seemed off somehow and I didn't think for one fucking second that he would ' play nicely' with us. I shook my head.

" You take us against our will and expect us to do what you fucking want? Do you really think for one damn minute that we would cooperate? You can take your tasks and shove them up your ass for all I care cause we aren't leaving this room unless it's to go home. "

" Oh dear, I was worried that would be your response. I understand you have a rather unique ability, Memory Manipulation? I believe we can use that to solve our problem here. I know, I know. You wont do it willingly but I think you can be persuaded to see my side of things." I wasn't sure I liked what I thought he was suggesting and there was definitely no way I was doing it willingly and I was pretty sure he wouldn't persuade me either. He turned toward the door and a guy the size of Silas walked in.

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