Finding Answers

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I could feel Sang's emotions mirroring my own as we gripped Kota's hands. Finding out you have no memories older than a year was frightening but somehow we both knew everything would be okay. As long as we trusted these guys, this family and it wasn't as hard as it maybe should have been. More worrying to me was my 'Father'. Who was he really and what did he want with us? I was nervous about going home now and putting my girl in danger but it would have to happen. I knew he would track us if we didn't show up tonight. Whatever they were going to do I hoped it got our memories back today. Now that I knew about it I could feel the gaping hole in my memory and that persistent nudge was still there. I knew Sang felt it too. It was getting just the tiniest bit stronger and I was getting a low grade headache from it. Letting go of Kota's hand, I pressed my palms to my temples and rubbed.

" You okay, Gabe?" Luke asked me. I tried to nod but it sent a shot of pain through my head.

" Yeah, just a little headache. " I looked up just in time to see a look I didn't understand pass between Kota and Owen.

"What will happen to our current memories? To the last year?" Oh, my beautiful girl you read my mind.

" You'll still have them. You have lived the last year twice so you'll have both sets of memories. It may be confusing at first. We aren't sure if the memories will be mixed together or stay in their own timeline or anything really. Not much is known about this kind of stuff, even in our group. We'll need a minute to discuss some things but we'll leave you with Sean. He has some questions that may help us get the answers you need. " With that Kota jerked his head toward the bedroom and everyone but the doc left. The Doc - hehe- he hated it when we called him that, kept telling us he wasn't a dwarf. Wait. Where did that thought come from? I shook my head to clear it and another shot of pain went through it making me groan.

" Here this should help, " I looked up to see Sean handing me a couple pills and a glass of water. I downed the pills gratefully. " Okay, guys. first question is going to seem strange but do either of you have any special abilites?" Sang and I exchanged a glance. Was he asking what we thought we was asking?

" Like what?"

" Well, for instance, Kota has visions in his sleep or Luke is perfectly silent when he walks or Victor can fix or manipulate any peice of technology. " He was asking what I thought he was. We had said we would trust them so I nodded to Sang. Her ability was the visual one. She looked around for a target and finally settled on one of the xbox controllers. She took a couple deep breaths and I could feel when she let her love fill her up. She still had trouble doing it without the emotion but we had found that by controling the emotion she had better control of her ability and positive emotion worked better than negative. We watched as the controller rose and smoothly glided across the living room and landed in the Sean's lap. He looked at us, eyes wide. I knew his next question and answered before he could ask.

" Sang is telekintetic. It's emotion based though. She has to be strongly feeling an emotion for it to work. She can control the emotion though and as long as she control it, she has perfect control over the ability. Like, she always feels loved because she knows I love her so when she needs to use her ability, like now, she can make the feeling more dominant so she can use it to control her ability."

" Nice," he grinned at us, " could be useful I imagine," I saw a mischevious twinkle in his eye. " Have you tried to do it without the emotion?"

" yeah she has. The last time she tried she broke 3 windows, a microwave, and a snowglobe. " I didn't have to look to know that Sang blushed before she hid her face behind my shoulder. Sean laughed.

" Well, lets not have her try now shall we? How about you do you have any unique abilities?" I shook my head, Sang was the only one of us with a power specific to them.

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