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My head was still reeling from the Kota's dream. I wasn't sure what to think and knew a couple of the guys were uncomfortable with the idea but none of us dismissed it. We were a family; a weird one with guys who have one foot in the past and one in the future but still a family. That fact was enough to ensure that we were at least willing to try it. We knew it would be hard. There would be bumps along the way but every relationship had those. My thoughts had been heavy as I sat on the couch watching the others play Call of Duty and it was almost a relief when I heard Victor pull open the back door and tell everyone that Sang and Gabe were on the way. I knew a grin broke out on my face but I couldn't help it. I was excited to Aggele again and Gabe. Annoying as the little fashionista can be nothing had been quite right since they were taken. I glanced up when I heard the piano tinkle and saw Victor at the piano. He looked thoughtful as he keyed out notes with one hand and muttered to himself.

" You mean you actually have something to show Gabe when they get here?" I couldn't help but rib Victor a bit. " Here I thought you were just going to make something up" I was surprised when Victor looked a bit sheepish.

" Actually I was already working on this and had planned to show it to Gabe before all this happened."

" Can we hear it?" Without a word Victor began playing what he had. The man was a master and we all knew that anything he wrote would be great but he never seemed to have the confidence in himself or the desire to write before. Just one more thing we could thank Aggele for. A few minutes later a knock sounded and I jumped up to get the door. I grinned as I opened it to Gabe and Sang. I really, really wanted to hug Aggele but given Gabe's reaction to North calling her Baby I refrained.

" Hey Gabe, Aggele, " Crap! I mentally smacked myself for my slip but neither of them reacted thankfully. Sang gave me a nervous smile and something seemed to pass between them without words. Unsure what to say and a bit uncomfortable in that moment I turned and headed back to the living room.


I dimly heard Silas talking to someone but didn't really register what was going on. I was busy stalking Luke. I rounded a corner and there he was, reloading. I didn't even bother to aim just shot at him and he went down. I heard him groan and Nathan holler at him and looked at Kota, silently telling him my plan. He nodded and off we went, after taunting Nathan of course. I'm pretty sure that's a requirement. I glanced back as Sang made her way to the couch and sat down next to Silas. I gave her a grin and went back to stalking Nathan. A little bit later our game was through and I set down my controller and wriggled and stretched my fingers. Luke went to geive his controller to Sang but she admitted she didn't know how to play. Luke made sure it was okay and then set Sang on his lap and put his arms around her to reach the controller. I was a bit envious. I wanted her on my lap. Maybe next time. I watched her, and Gabe, out of the corner of my eye as we played. I still saw no signs of abuse but Owen had said there were shadows in their eyes and Owen wasn't one for imagining things. He knew what it was to have shadows in your eyes. But they seemed relaxed and that made me happy. Every now and again one of them would glance in the other's direction and they would share a smile and a look. It held love, reassurrance and when I really stopped and looked I found the shadows underneath it all. I frowned a bit but turned back to the game. Nothing I could do right now but I was determined we would discover the reasons for those shadows and deal with it. Sang had finally gotten the hang of the controls and was playing on her own while leaned back slightly on Luke. Then Gabe started to sing. One by one we all stopped what we were doing to listen and then noticed Sang melting into Luke. I chuckled. She was definently feeling comfortable.

" I think we lost her doc," Luke said as his arms went around to keep her from sliding to the floor. She was absolutely caught up in the music and it was beautiful to watch. Gabe's voice died off on the last note and Sang sat up, opening her eyes to see all of us staring at her. We couldn't help it! I was about to say something when suddenly she grabbed her head and cried out in pain. Damn! I tossed my controller on to my bean bag and was crawling over Kota to get to Sang when I heard another scream of pain.

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