Chapter 4: Shit! This Isn't Good

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The picture is of Daniel Sanchez who id played by Raviv Ullman.

Last Chapter:
I followed the scent till we came out of the forest and into a little town. I keep following the scent and it just gets stronger and stronger. I don't really know were I am and I only just register Harry following behind me.

I get to a corner of a street and it looks like kind of market going on and there are quite a lot of people, but with my wolf nose and the added strength of being an Alpha I can still clearly smell her scent. I turn towards her smell and continue walking after it.

I get to where the scent was coming from but she's gone. I can still smell her and my wolf is go crazy, trying to break out. Once again I go after the scent, when I turn the corner there is suddenly other smells strongly mixed in. I see a perfume shop. I can't help but smirk, she's trying to hide her self from me.

"Harry, stay here. I'll be back when I have found her".
She wants a chase, she'll get one.

Erin's POV
Waking up if feel quite refreshed as I didn't have to get up at stupid o'clock. Looking to my right I see Harriet still asleep, which is normal. In-fact if she ever woke up before me then I'd be worried, because she probably got kidnapped by aliens.

I get out the bed, grab some clothes out of my bag and head to the bathroom to get changed. I don't really need a shower, I had one yesterday and I don't smell but I'll probably have one tonight or tomorrow morning.

Now in the bathroom I strip of my PJ's and put on clean underwear. I get dressed in to a black tank top with a lumber jack shirt button up over the top that's a greeny colour. I pull on the dark blue jeggings I wore yesterday, I really need to find I laundrette, and put my feet in to another pair of odd socks, then my white converses which are in a bit better condition then Harriet's. I really can't be arsed with my hair so all I do is brush out the knots and leave it down.

After doing my normal make up routine I leave the bathroom to find Harriet still snoring. I head to the little fridge in the tiny kitchen and eat the left over breakfast we had from the diner yesterday. Not the best but when you got to eat, you got to eat.

Walking back to the bathroom to brush my teeth I notice the time is 9:30 am. Damn! I'm gonna have to wake have to wake Harriet up because times moving on, and we need to start looking for some jobs cuz we are broke.

I think I'll wake her up after I do my teeth. Maybe God will be on my side and wake her up while I'm doing that, so I don't have to.


Nope, God hates me. She's still asleep. Great! Not the sarcasm.
"Harriet. Wake up!" I yell from the safety of the bathroom doorway.

Nothing. I decide to take of few steps closer.

Nope. Nada. A few more steps.
"Oi, get up! We need to go get some jobs. Wake up!"

Still no response. I'm at her bed now, and that's dangerous territory.
"Harriet, you need to get u-OWWWW! You bitch".

I rub my throbbing cheek where the bitch hit me. Damn that's gonna leave a mark, but only for a few hours thanks to werewolf healing.
"Sorry, but in my defence you should have learnt by now".
"Shut up and get ready" I sit down on my bed and turn on the midget sized T.V. while I wait for her to get herself ready.

Harriet finally opens the bathroom door while I was watching some weird programme that I wasn't really paying attention to. She's wearing a plain light blue 3/4 length shirt that compliments hear eyes and a dark pair of jeans, navy-ish coloured I think. Her shoes are the some converse as yesterday and she's left her hair down again.

Don't let me go, Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now