Chapter 5: With That Damn Smile

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The picture is of Harry Smith who is played by Gregg Sulkin.

Last Chapter:

Taking a couple of steps back I turn around only to walk in to a tree. How graceful am I? I can't believe I actually walked in to a tree. Harriet's gonna piss her self when I tell her.

Although I don't remember a tree being behind me. There was one next to me, but not behind. In-fact I don't remember trees having arms or wearing clothes. And they defiantly don't give you the feeling of fireworks going off inside your body.

Shit! Carefully I look up and see him. The guy from town, my mate, in all his sexiness smiling down at me. He's just staring at me with chocolaty brown eyes that are making me feel weak. For the first time I'm actually speechless, and Harriet will be upset that she missed it. Damn he's really hot! My wolf is singing with happiness, like seriously she doing a freakin tap dance right now.

"Mine" He growls as his grip on me tightens.
I'm back to thinking God really does hate me.

Daniel's POV
Leaving Harry I follow her scent. It's not as strong as it was because of that awful smelling perfume, but thanks to being an Alpha my sense of smell is better than others, so I can still smell her. Pushing past the wave of people I follow her sweet scent.

I reach the forest that I had just come from 10 minutes ago and take in a deep breath. My mates close and my wolf is howling with joy. Trailing after her scent it starts getting stronger and stronger and it fills my senses.

Looking around I grin and my wolf leaps with excitement. I see her. She doesn't see me, not yet, her backs to me. I quietly walk up behind her and wait. About 2 seconds later she takes a couple of steps back and turns around right in to me, not that I mind.

The second she was in my arms my whole body tingled and craved more. It feels like a life time before she looks up at me but when she did, I swear my heart did a flip. It my have taken over 4 years to find her, but she is worth every second I had to wait for her.

She had beautifully unique bluey-grey eyes and gorgeous flowy brown hair. She was simply beautiful. In-fact there aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe how beautiful and perfect she is. I can't believe she's mine. My wolf is also reeling with pure happiness "MINE MINE MINE" are the only words he seems capable of saying right now.

I pull her closer "Mine" is all I'm capable of saying right now too.

Erin's POV
I want to pull out of his embrace but I can't, I seem to fit perfectly in his arms. "That's because he's our mate. We're meant to fit perfectly" my wolf says purring in delight "shut up" is my only reply. Suddenly his head is at my neck and he's sniffing me. Wait, I masked my scent how did he find me? Unless.......NO! "Yes" my wolf moans in joy.

"Your an Alpha" I say even though I know his answer.
He nods his head while still sniffing my neck. Bringing his head up he looks at me with a knee weakening smile, then he says "and your my Luna".

And that brings me back to earth. I mange to pull away myself out of his arms, earning a slight growl from him and my wolf. I take a couple of steps back. I know I have to deal with this carefully because he isn't an average wolf.

He's an Alpha meaning you take an ordinary werewolf and double it. Extra strong, big, possessive, protective, ect. The list will go on. The chances are he's going to end up kidnapping me and take me back to his pack, but I'll try and wiggle my way out of it anyway. "Don't you DARE" my wolf growls at me and of course, I'm going to ignore her.

She's enjoying the sense of power radiating off of him a little to much. "He's an Alpha. He'd protect us from them" she continues, but I still chose to ignore her.

"Ok look, Mr Alpha I-".
"My names Daniel" he take a step closer, reaching out his arms trying to grab me again.
I swiftly avoid him "Ok, hi Daniel I'm Erin-".
"That's a beautiful name. Just like you" he tries again.

I move out of his reach once more "Thank you, but I-".
"I've been waiting for you for years" and once more he tries to touch me but I dodge. We are basically dancing around the forest.
"Look I really thi-".
"Our packs going to be so happy I finally found you. They're going to love yo-".

"DUDE! let me talk, please" he nodded at me to continue. "Look Daniel, you don't want me as your mate. Trust me" He goes to interrupt but I silence him by covering his mouth with my hand, and I try to ignore the sparks that erupt. "I would make a crap Luna. All I would do is bring your pack down, so if I was you I should just reject me now" and I can't help but feel the stab of pain and grief that shoots through me when I think of him actually reject me. I can hear my wolf whimper at the very thought.

He grabs my hand and quickly pulls me to him before I could protest. I look in to his eyes on accident, but now I can't look away. His eyes hold a mixture of 3 emotions. Anger, fear and I think the third one is love. He wouldn't love me if he know my past and how dangerous it was, especially for him.
"Don't ever say those things again" Daniel growls at me and I feel slightly scared. As if he knows he just scared me he relaxes his hold a little and sighs softly. "I would never reject you. Your perfect-"

"You don't know me. I'm far from perfect. For all you know, I could be a crazy serial killer who likes to kill pretty boys in the forest".
He lets out a chuckle before continuing as though I hadn't talked "So perfect. I could never hope or pray for a better mate, so I wont ever reject you. And as for being a crap Luna, you wont be. You'll do just fine. I know it."

And there he goes with that smile again. I can't move and I'm pretty sure the only thing holding me up is him. He takes one of his hands from my waist and cups my face, using his thumb to caress my cheek.

My wolf is lapping up the attention and I just about died and went to heaven. Why'd he have to be so perfect, he's making it harder for me. He pulls a way from me slightly and both me and my wolf let out a whimper.  

"Now as much as I enjoyed that little chase I'd like it even more if you would come back with me, to our pack, without a fuss".

Snapping out of my daze I realise that I'm going to have to go with him, because he clearly isn't keen on the idea of letting me go. Plus agreeing to go with him will cause less hassle then if I try to run.

Anyway I have a couple of months before they catch up with me, which will give me enough time to become so annoying that I make him sick of me that he'll just tell me to leave. Besides a couple months of a proper big bed and 3 hot meals a day would be nice for a change.

"Ok, but I can't leave without my friend".
"Is this friend male or female?" I could mess with him and say it's a boy, but I can't be arsed. I just want to have a shower cuz this perfume is still lingering and making me feel a little sick.
"Female, although she punches like a guy. Her names Harriet."
"Ok but once we get your friend your coming back with me".
"Yes mum" I mock.

He grabs my hand and start walking back towards town., while I try to ignore the tingles going through my arm.
"We also have to pick up my friend, Harry"
"Can't you just mind link him? You are an Alpha"
"I already have, to tell him I found you. But he's my friend and I'd like him to met you now. Before the rest of the pack. Plus just encase anything happens, which is doubt full, it's good to have back up."
"So the big, bad Alpha needs back up" I teased. I can believe how natural it feels being with him, when I've only known him for like half and hour.
"Who said I was bad?"

He smiles down at me with that damn smile and my legs feel a little bit like jelly. We continue walking through the forest and in to the town hand in hand, in search for his friend Harry.

So Erin has decided to go with Daniel but is still determined to leave eventually. Do you think she'll be able to or will she fall had over heels for him? And also what's so dangerous about her past?

Let me know how I'm doing and what you think of the story so far.

Don't let me go, Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now