...Sadist Authors

37 8 0

Bold written by Wild_Things

Italic written by Me

Underline written by LivStilinski

Times New Roman @Jarell_Ong


Once upon a time, I saw a weremonkey. It grabbed my hat and climbed over a banana tree.

"Give me my hat back, you stupid monkey!" And then he peed on me. He laughed like a psycho lunatic and threw my hat to a pond.

"Go get it now, bitch!" The weremonkey said. I launched at him and started scratching his face with my super sharp nails. His eyes stuck on one of my fingers and bleed out. After awhile of pulling, his eye ball was set free from his head/skull. I smirked at him and throw his eyeball to a pond. Then a mother duck took the eyeball and gave it to her children as dessert.

"NO! MY PRECIOUS EYE BALL!" He took his fur off and lunge into the water. I closed my virgin eyes, not wanting to look at gis naked body slash "fur-less".

He chased the mother duck and killed it, along with its children. Suddenly, Barrack Obama ( no offends, seriously, this is just a random story ) came out from bowhere and he RKO-ed the weremonkey and it passed out.

Suddenly, an ebola virus hop out of the pond and choke the weremonkey, taking advantage of his "fur-less" banana body.

Then he suffered and die. Gis last words were:

"Here, I give back your hat."

The end.


August 26, 2015

this is a random story.

read at your own risk

thank you for reading

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