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"ROBIN I AM NOT GOING TO THE DOCTORS!" Regina yelled, stomping her foot in the door frame, I sighed and moved her out of the way, making sure she didn't wake Emma or Roland. "Regina it's just a check up, they are going to make sure that everything is okay and maybe we will get to see our little one!" I said trying to convince her, she shook her head and crossed her arms over her stomach. "But what if something isn't okay!" She retaliated, I sighed and pulled her into me, her hair tickling my nose with the scent of apples and vanilla.

"Then if something is wrong we will have doctors who can fix it. This is the easy part, the scary doctor run comes later when you have the baby coming out of you and you're begging me to take you to the hospital." I said smugly, she sighed and buried her face in my shirt, my chest dampening with her tears. "I'm scared. What if our baby isn't okay. I am willing to go through all these crazy ups and downs for us, because we are strong adults, but NOT MY BABY!" She sobbed, I cupped her face and kissed her forehead, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Hey, shh, it's going to be fine, you've done such a great job keeping our little one safe and healthy so far. You're going to be fine, and so is our baby." I said gently, she took a deep breath and took my hands. "Okay. Fine. Let's go." She finally muttered, I smiled and wrapped my arms around her lightly larger waist.

"Come on Emma, I need your help bringing Regina inside." I said smiling, unbuckling her from Roland's booster seat, she quietly walked around and took Regina's shaking hand, leading her into the hospital.

"Okay Regina, we are just going to take a look at your baby. I'm just going to need you to lift up your shirt for me please." The doctor said taking out the monitor for the ultrasound machine. She bit her lip and slowly lifted up the fabric, her fingers fumbling with the fabric, I chuckled and walked over to her, pulling her shirt up to her chest, exposing her small bump. Emma was outside in the lobby with Snow so it was just the three of us while the doctor squirted some sort of gel on Regina's stomach, making her jolt from the coolness. "You're okay." I whispered into her ear, she just wormed her hand into mine and held it until the doctor found the baby.

"There's your baby! Don't worry, it's a little early to hear a heartbeat right now but your baby is absolutely fine and is looking good! Here's some pictures for both of you, so you can display them wherever you want!" She said handing us the black and white pictures, I helped Regina sit up and stared at the picture while the doctor wiped the gel off of her stomach, pulling the fabric down and leaving so we could have some privacy. "Babe, the baby is okay. Look at it, she's perfect." She said dreamily, I looked up and stared at her, her eyes jeweled with tears. "She?" I asked playfully, moving her hair off of her shoulder. She wiped her eyes and looked up at me. "It's just a guess. I just feel like she's our little girl." She said cradling her stomach, lovingly stroking it and the picture.


We arrived at the loft and started going through my magic books, but nothing said anything about our situation. "THIS IS ALL USELESS CRAP!" Snow exclaimed slamming my book shut, raking her fingers through her black hair. "Hey, don't give up." I said under my breath, flipping through my mother's book of spells.

"I GOT IT!" Hook exclaimed, ripping the page out of the brown leather book. "It says we need four things." He said taking out a notepad.

"The cow as white as milk
The cape as red as blood
The hair as yellow as corn
The slipper as pure as gold."

He said looking at all of us, I sighed and rubbed my head, this probably meant another long and dangerous quest out in the woods somewhere. But for Emma, I will do it, she sacrificed herself for me so I will get her back.

"Fine, Into the Woods we go... Again." I muttered, walking upstairs to check on Emma who was coloring, she didn't know about any technology like cell phones and video games so I had to go back to the basic toys, which I preferred.

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