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Two Months Later

"Remember to pack your swimsuit Mrs. Locksley." Robin said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, I giggled and reached up, pecking him on the lips. We had gotten married shortly after Juliana was born, not wanting anything large or prolonging it we decided that a small ceremony was the way to go. Now we were taking a family trip with everybody to Hawaii for a makeup honeymoon for Killian and Emma, and our family moon for Robin and I.

"Oh I didn't forget, we are all packed up. Now I think everyone is ready?" I said leaning into him, he just smiled and lifted the heavy suitcases off of the bed and started bringing them down the stairs.

I followed him into the living room where everyone was packed and ready, Juliana was strapped in her seat and sitting on the sofa between Snow and Charming, who had their son balanced in between her knees. Gabriella was in Emma's lap playing with her and her husband. Roland was helping Henry load up the cars and handed me my purse. "Okay guys! Let's go!" I said, Robin grabbed Juliana and her car seat, along with Gabriella's and Roland's booster seat. I grabbed Gabriella and hoisted her on my hip, ushering everyone out of the house, making sure I didn't forget anyone or thing. "Ready to go to Hawaii?" I cooed, Gabriella just clapped and continued playing with her toys.

We all boarded and were seated inside of the large plane, Juliana was strapped in next to me on one side, close to the window and Gabriella was in with Robin on the aisle seat. Henry turned around with Roland and they both had large straw hats on with sunglasses. "That's so cute!" I squealed, snapping a picture of the two of them.

The plane started to accelerate and I saw Gabriella's eyes widen and then grab her ears, screeching loudly, thankfully Juliana slept, it was her nap time and she stayed sleeping.

"Okay dada is here! Look! It's your bear!" Robin said holding the bear out in front of her, she only cried harder and reached out for me across the aisle. Passengers started to grumble, glaring at us. "Okay, unhook her." I said to Robin, she was now screaming full on bloody murder and I could hear the comments of the grumpy passengers.

I grabbed her and pressed her on my chest, muffling her wails slightly. "M-m-mama!" She cried, grabbing both of her ears, we finally reached the altitude and she started to calm down, laying on my chest, clinging to my sweatshirt that I was wearing. I then heard Juliana wake up, it was right around her feeding time and I tried to carefully hand Gabriella over. The moment I moved her she shot up and looked at me with a heartbreaking glance. "Mama has to feed Juliana remember?" I said giving her a toy unicorn. I grabbed her diaper bag and pulled out a bottle with the milk I had pumped for the plane ride over. I placed the bottle in and she stopped crying but Gabriella was losing it, fussing on the other side with Robin.

"Oh my God someone smack the kid already..." I heard some man mutter in front of Robin, I was too stressed to even retaliate. Robin just looked at me and tried to calm her down with an irritated look. "Excuse me you bastard." I looked up and saw Emma walking towards the man, he looked up from his centerfold and gave her a pudgy smile. "Why hello..." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "First of all, I'm married and going on my honeymoon, second of all you need to leave my- uh, sister alone! I want to see you juggle two little babies under the age of two while running on two full hours of sleep! So you listen to me you little perverted Santa Claus! Go back to looking at the skanky women that are way too good for you and shut up." She yelled, quietly returning to her seat, he looked appalled and hit his flight attendant button, but the stewardess conveniently didn't hear it.

We landed and Gabriella inevitably went down screaming at the elevation, we arrived at nine pm Hawaii time, which was three am our time. Gabriella was now screaming as the men fetched our luggage and I found our rental car.

"Mama! Up!" Ella wailed, making my headache worsen, I was holding Juliana and the large diaper bag, while still managing to hold her hand. "Ella, not now sweetie, mama needs to sign some papers and then hold sister!" I said slightly aggravated, she continued crying and started pulling her sweater off, the humidity making her antsy. "Want to go with Nini?" Emma asked walking up to us, Gabriella shook her head and clung to my leg sobbing, completely exhausted. "Let me take Juliana." Emma offered, I thanked her and gently handed her off.

"Okay Ella, just let mama finish signing this and I will hold you okay?" I said filling out the last of the documents, handing them over to the sympathetic clerk.

I lifted her into my arms and started bouncing her slightly, her crying turned into a tired moaning until she fell asleep.

"Okay group! Let's go load up in the van!" Charming said grabbing my diaper bag from me. We all loaded up and carefully strapped all of the car seats and children inside. Robin and I crammed in the backseat with our sleeping daughters just in case they started to fuss again. Roland and Henry were trying to beat their high score on flappy bird the whole ride over and were passed out in the front row on each other. Snow and Charming were in front of us on either side of Neal while Emma and Killian were in the front seat.

"Welcome to the Aloha Resort." The bellboy said opening the doors for us and piling our luggage on a cart. "They checked you in from the airport, here are your room keys and you are all free to go up to your rooms!" He said escorting us inside.

"Okay, we have the girls, Snow and Charming have Neal and Killian and Emma have the boys." I said gently bouncing Gabriella in my arms, they all nodded and I bent over to hug my boys, placing a kiss on their cheeks.

Robin set Juliana down on the bed and quickly assembled her bassinet, laying her inside. I placed Gabriella on the large king sized bed and started changing into my pajamas, which was a large t-shirt.

"I'd offer to please you tonight but we have a little guest with us tonight." Robin said stroking her cheek, then kissing me. "Two actually." I said pointing to Juliana who was finally sleeping soundly, her three am feeding done.

"Maybe one of these nights we can have some alone time." I said grinning, he nodded and kissed my nose before turning the lights off.

As tired as I was I stared at him, my husband, my partner in crime, my partner in life. We created two lives out of our pure love for one another. I once told my mother that what I felt wasn't what a soulmate felt like, well what I was expecting was far different from what I felt now. I was home, I was with my family, all of them, my large, chaotic, dysfunctional, but loving family whom I was ready to lay down my life for. I stroked Gabriella's cheek, then gently kissed Robin's. I swiftly moved from the bed and walked over to the bassinet, lifting my newborn daughter into my arms, gently rocking her as she slept, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek, all of the emotions overwhelming me, this is what a soulmate felt like, this is what a family felt like.

Well that was the end! Don't worry! More stories coming soon! Please comment and vote!! Thank you!!

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