Chapter 6

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Gilapaw sat outside the nursery anxiously beside Brokenjaw and Sunsetpaw. The muffled cries and yowls of pain coming from the walls sent chills down Gilapaw's back. What if the kitting goes wrong? What if Lemurtail doesn't make it? He fidgeted with his tail. Oh... Please let her be okay!

Then Gilapaw's wandering eyes caught glance of Morningstar's cruel gaze, watching from her den. Her eyes glowed through the rain pattering outside the roof that extended out of the nursery. Gilapaw suddenly felt his belly knot with dread. No, Morningstar. Over my dead body! He growled, knowing she was plotting to kill any weak kits. He couldn't let it happen. He couldn't.

When the yowls finally subsided, Sunsetpaw looked at her mentor. "You go first," she offered kindly, and Brokenjaw gave a grateful nod, scrambling in.

Gilapaw heard his gasp of joy from inside the nursery, and then he poked his head outside. "Sunsetpaw, come see!" He purred excitedly. Gilapaw trailed after his sister.

Lemurtail was sitting, purring a deep purr, while three tiny kits suckled at her belly. Two she kits, one white with black and grey stripes on her tail, and one a grey tabby with her mother's green eyes. Gilapaw purred as well, until he saw the third kit, and then his purr fell silent.

The grey tabby tom, just like his father, was much smaller than the other two, and he didn't mewl to the touch. He didn't suckle, or make a move towards his mother's belly until Brokenjaw desperately nosed him closer to the others. Even when he suckled, he needed assistance to stay there, or he would fall back every once and awhile. Gilapaw gulped, sniffing the air worriedly for his mother.

Sunsetpaw was purring. "Oh, they're beautiful! But, Lemurtail... This ones so small..." She trailed off fearfully. Then Lemurtail growled, and stared straight at the entrance. It was almost spooky, her eyes had a sudden clarity. It was as if she could see, but Gilapaw knew now that she was blind. It made no sense. But he pushed that thought away. Right now, he had to focus on the problem at hand.

Lemurtail marched out into the rain, growling. She marched straight to Morningstar's den, where she was sitting calmly, waiting. Turtleface, Lemurtail's sister, got up to stand beside her sister protectively.

Lemurtail growled. "Morningstar!" She screeched with anger as she came up in front of her. Morningstar smiled.

"Lemurtail... I hear a runt has been born... What a surprise! A runt born of the blind and the crippled!!!" Gilapaw's mother spat the words as if they were dung on her prey. Lemurtail looked as if she wanted to tear Morningstar apart. "Shall we see them?" Morningstar cooed, and made a break for the nursery. Lemurtail, quick as a flash, dove under her with perfect accuracy, and knocked her leaders paws from under her. She then slithered out and slammed on top of Morningstar, knocking the breath from her and pinning her.

When Fishfang made a move towards her leader, Turtleface raced ahead, pinning the deputy. Fishfang spat at Turtleface. "You fox-hearted traitor!" She growled, writhing in Turtleface's grasp.

Meanwhile, Morningstar had dove from Lemurtail's grip, and made a beeline for the nursery. Before Lemurtail could get to her paws, Morningstar snatched the kit up from his nest, and dangling it mockingly out of reach from Lemurtail. She gave an agonized yowl and screeched with anger. "I will KILL you!!!" Lemurtail screamed, leaping up to knock the kit from Morningstar's paw. She bit her throat, ripping a gargantuan hole. Gilapaw watched, eyes wide as blood poured from his mother's throat, her eyes glaring with a world of hatred towards Lemurtail.

Lemurtail stood, panting with shock and anger, over Morningstar as she gurgled something inaudible before falling back, limp and most definitely dead. Morningstar was dead.

Gilapaw looked at his sister with shock and disbelief, and, unbelievably, happiness. Joy filled his eyes as he realized Lemurtail and Turtleface had finally set them free from their evil mother.


As they set the body up for vigil, Lemurtail looked at Gilapaw. She had regained her sight permanently, the final gift StarClan granted her for saving the clan. She licked Gilapaw's forehead guiltily. "I'm sorry, Gilapaw... I didn't mean to really kill her-" She said gently. "A-Are you going to sit with her?"

Gilapaw looked at her in bewilderment. "Are you kidding?! I wouldn't sit with my mother if my life depended on it! She's the devil!" He gasped. "She tried to murder my sister and killed my father!" He answered, faster than he anticipated. Do I really feel that way? Is that bad?

Lemurtail licked his forehead. "Baby... I know how you feel about her, but be careful what you wish for. I'll leave you alone," she said gently, kissing his nose and padding back to the nursery to leave Gilapaw to wonder, What am I doing?

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