Chapter 1

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Gilakit raced out after his little sister. ""I'm gonna get you, Sunsetkit!" He cried, taking a giant leap. His clumsy but muscular paws tumbled in the grass after his tiny golden tabby sister, who stared after him over her shoulder with her big blue eyes. A huge smile was plastered on her face, and on Gilakit's as well. He landed square on her back haunches, and both siblings tumbled down the grassy clearing, laughing hard.

"Whoa!" Their father, Fallingfeather laughed as they tumbled into his paws. His grey tabby head swiveled around from where he was talking to his sister, Brightshine.

Gilakit got up and stared up at them. "Sorry dad! Sorry, Brightshine!" He scrambled to squeak. Brightshine smiled.

"That's quite alright, little one." She chuckled lightly.

Brightshine was an orange tabby with sleek, short fur and long bangs covering one side of her face. When she turned her face just the right angle, you could see her underdeveloped eye underneath it, covered for a reason. She had a warm smile and two full grown kits, Lemurtail and Turtleface.

Gilakit looked back at Sunsetkit, and back up at Fallingfeather. "Can you play with us, daddy?" He whined, his green eyes shining. "Pleeeaasseee?" Sunsetkit  joined in the pleading. "Yes, please?!" They both chimed.

Fallingfeather laughed. "Of course, loves. How about I..." His gaze scanned the camp. "How about I count to ten. Then when I am done, you guys are hidden, and I try to find you!" He suggested. Gilakit squealed with glee.

"Find the mouse! I love that game!!!" He squeaked, bouncing up and down. His fluffy tail flicked in the greenleaf sun. "C'mon, Sunsetkit! Come play with us!" He said happily.

Sunsetkit, with her smaller, gentler frame trotted over from where she was investigating a little pink flower. She had orange powder on her nose. "Sorry!" She hurried to say.

Gilakit laughed. "Whats that yellow stuff on your nose?" He giggled, poking the tip of her muzzle teasingly. "It looks funny!" He was rolling on the ground with laughter. Sunsetkit narrowed her eyes and tackled him.

"Not as funny as you look!" She retorted playfully back, batting at his hindquarters with a honey colored paw. Gilakit giggled and they began rolling in the grass once more, tumbling under the warriors' paws. He bumped into Fishfang, and he immediately backed away as she hissed slightly.

"Oops... Sorry, Fishfang!" He breathed, tucking his tail under him fearfully. He flattened his ears, expecting a cuff up the ears, but Fishfang sighed.

"Its... Its alright..." She said softly. "You didn't mean it... Just watch your paws next time." She replied, surprisingly calm. Gilakit sighed with relief, until she turned her head to Sunsetkit. "You, on the other paw... Where in the Dark Forest are your manners?! I swear, its like the kits are blind!"

Sunsetkit crouched in the dirt, nearly in tears. She stared up with wide, moon-sized eyes. Gilakit felt anger well up inside him as Fishfang continued.

"And what in the name of Brokenstar have you got on your nose?! At least make an attempt to keep clean, would you?!" She scoffed. Gilakit moved closer to his sister, putting his paw around her to comfort her shaking body. He glared at Fishfang as she picked her way to the middle of the clearing, nose turned up in disgust while Sunsetkit was nearly sobbing in her brother's pelt.

Gilakit burned with anger. What did she do differently than me?! He thought to himself furiously, tail fluffed up. He licked Sunsetkit's nose clean gently. "Shh... It okay, Sunsetkit. Let's go tell mother how unfair she was!" He growled under his breath. "She can teach her a lesson!"

Sunsetkit sniffled and nodded, and they made their way to their mothers den. Gilakit narrowed his eyes, determined to get Fishfang a beating. I can't believe she had the fur to do that!!

"Mama!" He growled as he stormed into the leaders den, Sunsetkit at his side. "Mama!"

Morningstar lifted her orange tabby head, smiling at Gilakit. "Yes love?" She purred, her blue eyes sweeping straight past Sunsetkit and onto her son.

Gilakit didn't notice her act, he was too angry. "Mama, Fishfang just gave Sunsetkit a telling but she didn't even look at me! She was being totally unfair! She made Sunsetkit cry, you have to teach her a lesson!" He squeaked, his tail curled around his sister, expecting Morningstar to rush over to her and comfort her. But she didn't even hlance at Sunsetkit.

"Gilakit, may I speak to you alone, please?" She asked quietly and gently. Sunsetkit nodded and padded out, her tail dragging in the dust. Gilakit watched her go straight to her father, nearly getting run over by Fangscar. He growled something indistinct to her and she cowered, scrambling to her father's side. Morningstar cleared her throat and Gilakit turned his head back to his mother, missing the rest of the scene.

Morningstar beckoned her som with her tail. "Come here, love..." She whispered. Gilakit nestled himself into his mother's belly, looking up at her angry eyes.

"Why does everyone hate Sunsetkit? Is she that different?" He asked his mother, feeling confused and angry about the fact that he was the favored sibling. Morningstar licked the top of his head, rasping her tongue across the top roughly.

"They don't hate her, baby..." She began through licks. "They love her... That is why they are hard on her. Your sister isn't as strong as you, love. She needs more discipline to learn how to be powerful like you and me. She was born a bit behind in strength than you, and she must catch up," she said simply, as if it were the most normal this to say. Gilakit squirmed away from his mother in shock. His ears were flat against his head in anger.

"And you 'discipline' her by being jerks?! I can't believe you, mom!" He screamed. His mother narrowed her eyes.

"Your sister is weak. You will treat her like everyone else. It is for her own benefit." She growled. Gilakit growled and stormed out of the den. He couldn't believe his mother. He just couldn't.

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