Chapter 17

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The mall was all but empty when we arrived. There was only a few people, plus employees there. This would make it so much easier to chop without the lads getting mobbed once again. Seeing as we only had a a few hours Shaelyn, Harry and Liam came with me while the others went off in the other direction.

Shaelyn and I forced the lads to come in and help us choose our dresses for the upcoming music awards. To say that I was nervous about the whole thing was an understatement, I was terrified. I don't have a clue what is going on between Harry and I and at the same time Liam and I had already gone out and had an amazing time.

Shaelyn and I both come out of the change rooms at same time. She looked absolutely stunning, the dress she was wearing was a floor length pastel blue dress with two dainty shoulder straps. The whole thing looked perfect on her, it accented her waist line while at the same time making her look taller.

I was wearing a ruby dress that fell down to my ankles and pooled around behind my feet. It was gorgeous. It came to a shock to me that I could even wear the colour with my hair but the two didn't conflict at all but rather complimented eachother.

"Well, what do you think? You haven't said anything since we stepped out oof the change rooms," Both of the lads were staring at us, I think it was making Shaelyn a little bit uncomfortable kso I tried to pry their attenntion away from our bodies and back onto the dresses themselves.

"You both look stunning," Liam finally stuttered.

"Well then I guess it is settled, we are getting these dresses and now we can go and get some food!" I turned around and quickly changed back into my jeans and shirt. When I stepped out of the changeroom Shaelyn and the boys were nowhere to be seen. They were probably just paying for her dress. I left the fitting area and went out into the store. I still didn't see them, would they have just left me? That didn't feel like something they would do. I paid for my dress quickly and then left the store. I wondered around for what felt like forever until I found a familiar face.

"Harry Styles! Get over here right now!" Heads turned to look in my direction but quickly turned away. Harry on the other hand took off running in the other direction leaving me to chase him. I quickly pulled off my shoes and took chase. I was starting to fall behind, Harry putting distance between us. He looked around and smiled in triumph, he turned his head around to see a bench half a foot in front of him. With no time to stop himself he crashed down onto the floor. I used the last of my energy to get to him. I wasted no time in jumping on top of him to keep him down.

"Why did you guys just leave me behind? What was so important that you couldn't have waited the extra two minutes for me to join you?" I asked.

"It was all Zayn's idea, I swear! It was supposed to be some sort of surprise, and before you ask, no I don't know what it is," I sighed, Zayn was going to get it.

"Well iI say that we set up a little surprise for them all as well, come on," I got off of him and offered him my hand, "We are getting out of here,"

I pulled him behind me until we got to the exit, I turned to Harry and motioned for him to put up his hood and keep his head down. I continued to drag him to the waiting car. Together we tumbled through the doors and landed on a heap inside.

"Where would you guys like to go," I didn't even glance at Harry and I leaned in and whispered into the drivers ear. He chuckled and nodded before putting his attention on the road ahead of him.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" Harry questioned.

"Nope," I popped the 'p'.





"Why not?" Harry pouted.

"Because you went along with ditching me in a mall!" For a second he looked like he was going to say something but after a few seconds of looking like a fish out of water he closed his mouth and settled into his seat.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence until we arrived at our mystery destination...

Zayn's POV

Where could he be? Harry was supposed to have been here 10 minutes ago. And come to think of it Talia still hadn't made an appearance. Everyone else seemed to be thinking the same thing, why weren't they here yet? Harry was supposed to get Talia's attention and bring her to the restaurant but neither of them had showed up. I was starting to get worried, I had tried to call Harry a minute ago but I hadn't gotten an answer. Shaelyn had tried Talia and gotten the same result. I was just about ready to set out into the mall to go and find them when my phone started to vibrate on the counter in front of me. I hurriedly picked it up and put it to my ear.

"Where are you guys?" I asked as soon as I heard a breath.

"We are fine, I wasn't impressed with you all ditching me so I ran away with Harry, we will see you later," And then the line went flat, the dial tone blaring in my ear.

"So, where are they?" Liam questioned from his spot across from me.

"I don't know, it was Talia but all she said was that they were safe and together and that they will see us later," I shook my head and avoided everyones eyes.

"So you mean to say that we have no idea where they are?" I simply nodded, "Well at least we know that they are safe, I say we continue with our day and meet up with them when they get back."

Everyone agreed with that and began to order lunch.

Harry's POV

I have no idea where we are going, the windows of the car are all blacked out for our safety and Talia wasn't telling me anything. It wasn't a very good thing for someone like me who was so stubborn. Talia and I had more similarities then differences in our personalities. Hopefully that would mean that I woould like wherever she was taking me.

"Are we going someone out in the public?" I questioned, a problem presenting itself before my eyes.

"Yes, we are. Why?" I tugged on my curls and she seemed to understand, "We will get you something to cover up a bit when we get there," Just as she said that the driver pulled to a stop and got out to open our doors.

"Thank you," I said as I stepped out into the bright LA sun. I took a quick look around, and before I knew it I was bent over laughing.

"What? Do you not like it?" Talia questioned me, becoming a little self conscious about her decision to take me to Disneyland..

"No I love it, I just never pictured that you would be a big Disney fan," I answered truthfully, I could see her visibly relax, "Now, are we going to go in?"

I took her hand and pulled her through the gates ignoring the whispers around us.

AN: Hello Everyone!! How have you been? Quite a few of you were asking for an update so here it is!!

I love it when you guys comment on this and it makes me write a lot faster so comment even if it is just a 'Update soon'. Or maybe PM me?

Anyways I will talk to you guys again later!

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