Chapter Eighteen

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Talia's POV

"Where shall we start?" I asked pointing to the two separate parks. I knew where I wanted to go but since I dragged Harry here I might as well let him choose where we are going to go first.

"Disneyland of course!" He grabbed my hand and started skipping through the park entrance gathering a little bit too much attention for my liking.

"Harry," I whispered, "We need to do something about your hair, people are starting to take notice of us," He nodded and quickly changed direction moving towards the souvenir shop. We browsed through all of the shelfs before finding what we were looking for. We both grabbed a Mickey Mouse hat with Keep Calm and Think Disney sweaters. We were going to look like one of those annoying couples that always have to match eachother but honestly we needed the disguises. Once everything was paid for we emerged back out into the sunlit day.

Since Harry picked the park I got to pick the first ride. Dodging through the crowds I stopped in front of the Winnie The Pooh ride. I decided that we should work from the smallest rides to some of the bigger ones. We sat together on the ride, Harry laughing as I quietly sang along with the music. The ride was slow but it was nice to just be so close to Harry.

"What ride do you want to go on now?" Harry asked me. I thought for a second before deciding.

"Lets go on Splash Mountain!" The rest of the day was a blur of rides and candy. It was dark before we were anywhere near done. The air was starting to cool down without the light of the sun and my hair was still wet from our fourth run on Splash Mountain. A chill raked through me leaving me shivering. Harry noticed right away and quickly put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side, gently rubbing my arm.

"Thank you," I smiled up at him getting comfortable in his side. The sky filled with light as the fireworks went off, signalling the end of a great day.

"Do you think that we should get back to the house now?" I peaked up at Harry to see him staring back down at me. Without even thinking our lips came together in a soft kiss.

"If that's what you want, this day has been truly amazing," he grabbed my hand and we started to make our way to the gates, Harry's arm still resting across my shoulders and providing me with a heat that warmed my whole body.

It was a bit of a problem to find a taxi at the gates with everyone trying to get back to their hotels but somehow we managed to get into a town car. The ride home was really quiet Harry and I just being content wrapped up in each others arms. I felt a little guilty about Liam though, I felt that I had lead him on in some way. I wasn't going to dread on the negative right now though, not after the wonderful day that we had just had. I cuddled further into Harry's side until I started to gently drift into the sleep realm.

Harry's POV

When Talia took us to Disneyland I was shocked, it was such a large place with so many people and normally I would try to avoid those places at all costs. I must have done something really nice in a past life to be able to avoid being mobbed today. I don't think that Talia would have been able to handle all of the fans like that. I was able to have the most fun I've had in a long time without he other lads.

I looked down at Talias sleeping face resting in my lap. She was so much like Niall sometimes it was easy to see the family resemblance. Both of them were able to eat enormous amounts of food, laughing was such an easy task for them and both of them completely relaxed in their sleep.

This trip to LA was really a blessing, Niall met his sisters and I met who I think could be the girl of my dreams. The car started to slow down in front of the house, there was only a few lights on in the house. Two upstairs and the front room downstairs. I couldn't help but wonder who would still be up.

"Is this the place sir?" The driver asked form his seat in the front.

"Yes, thank you," I paid him quickly before gently picking Talia up and carrying her toward the door.

I would be lying if I said that I was surprised to see Liam, Niall and Louis sitting in the room talking. Their voices hushed once they saw Talia and I standing in the corridor.

"I'm going to go and put her in bed, I'll be right back," I whispered before gliding over to the stairs. I struggled a bit trying to open the door before a helping hand reached out and twisted the knob. I turned around to face a tired looking Niall. I pushed the door open and went straight to the bed. Careful not to drop her I lowered her down onto her bed. The next step was to take off her shoes, once Niall noticed what I was doing he was quick to go around and start on the other foot. Together we were able to get her tucked in without waking her. Niall went to talk but I motioned for us to go outside first not wanting to wake her up.

"Where were you guys?" Niall asked the second the door shut behind us.

"Talia took me to Disneyland for the day," i replied.

"And you weren't worried about the fans?"

"We had disguises on, no one bothered us," I started down the stairs, Niall beside me.

"You had us all worried that someone had grabbed you,"

"I'm sorry Niall, I didn't think it would be a big deal. We had a great day and we are safe and healthy." Louis and Liam looked up as they heard us entering the room.

"So you went to Disneyland?" Liam asked me, looking downstairs his phone for a second before passing it over the Louis and then to Niall.

"Yes, how'd you know? What are you looking at?" Niall handed me the phone and I quickly looked down at the screen. It was on Liam's twitter feed, and almost very tweet and something to do with Talia and I.

'@harrysboo: Harry spotted kissing mystery girl!'

'@niamhorayne: Who is this girl??'

There were hundreds of tweets, a few had pictures attached but I only had to click on one to know what they all were...Talia and I kissing during the fireworks.

"You shouldn't have been so careless, now everyone will be looking for Talia!" Liam left grabbing his phone from my hand on his way out. I looked at Niall but he only shook his head and went upstairs after Liam.

"What did I do Lou?" I begged him.

"You have to figure that out Haz, maybe we should deal with this in the morning, it's getting late." And with that Louis left me as well.


I can't believe it's been so long! I was so busy and so many things have happened, my city flooded, my brother was back in the hospital, I had exams and I had to move yesterday. I really hope the some of you guys will still read this and I want you to now that since it is now summer vacation and I know no one where I moved I will have a lot of time for writing this!

Niall Horan's Forgotten Secret (A One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now