Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

Talia and Liam had left for their date about an hour ago and all I could do was sit on my bed staring at the wall thinking of what I could have done differently. Louis had just left my room after realizing that I wasn't in the mood for talking about what had happened. Why did I have to kiss her? She might not have gone on the date with Liam. Why did this whole situation have to be so complicated? Talia was Niall's sister and Liam and I both liked her. I will just have to do what is right and let her decide who it comes down to, but for now I will just have to show her my best side.

My stomach grumbled at me giving me the clue that I was getting hungry. I quickly grabbed my phone before making my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Shaelyn was the only one in the room, but she was deeply engrossed in a novel and a cup of tea, I don't think she even noticed me in the room. I pulled open cabinets trying to find something to snack on. Most of the cupboards were only filled with china or spices. Giving up on the cabinets I made my way to the refrigerator, maybe I would get lucky and find some leftovers. The inside of the fridge was organized to a tee, on one shelf all the vegetables were stacked neatly, right below that was the meats and cheeses, and on the bottom shelf an assortment of drinks. Not seeing any leftovers I decided to just simply make myself a sandwich.

The sandwich was nothing special, just a bit of ham and cheese and bread. I carried the plate out of the kitchen and back up into my room. I ate silently thinking about everything that had happened over the last couple of weeks. A lot had changed but at the same time nothing had changed. My mind continued to turn as I absentmindedly turned on the telly. A booming voice was telling a story about a British boy and member and a mystery girl being seen around town. My mind instantly focused onto the screen.

A man that appeared to be in his mid thirties was standing in the new studio telling the tale of the mystery girl. I listened in curiosity trying to understand what he was saying. From the details that I was getting the two people were Liam and Talia, not wanting to hear about their date just yet I turned off the telly and left the room. A few minutes later I found myself in front of Louis's door. I knocked gently and waited in silence for Lou to come to the door. When it opened I was met with the smell of popcorn and candy.

"Hey Harry, what are you doing here?" He questioned seeing as I had just completely ignored him when he was in my room.

"I got bored," technically it wasn't a lie, I had gotten bored but I really just didn't want to be by myself. Louis looked a little skeptical but motioned for me to come in anyway.

"Do you want to watch a film? I brought the Titanic." I smiled at him and made myself comfortable on his bed Alas he put the film in.

We sat in silence until the movie credits rolled across the screen. Both of us had been crying but neither of us were gonna admit it to the other. At some point during the movie we had cuddled into each other just like every other time we watched The Titanic. It was a comfortable feeling, one that I only felt around two people; Louis and my mum.

"I think I'm gonna hit the hay, you are welcome to stay in here tonight," Louis' voice broke through my thoughts. I simply nodded my head and he got up and tossed me a pair of sweats to sleep in. We both changed and went back to our previous position. Moving around until we were both comfortable we quietly drifted off into sleep.

Talia's POV

The night with Liam had been a ton of fun and by the time we were through it was getting late and we had made our ways to our respective rooms. After I took a quick shower I went to check in on everyone else. I found all of the girls sleeping soundly, it was the same with Zayn and Niall. I came up to Harry's door and cautiously opened it, I peeked around the room before coming to the conclusion that he wasn't in his bed. Maybe he had gone out for the night. Silently making my way toward Louis's room I did the same thing I had done at each of the previous rooms, a small smile formed on my lips as I took in the scene on the bed. Louis and Harry we're cuddled up together looking at absolute peace. Not entirely to disturb them I quickly took a picture with my phone and retreated back to my room.

The house was quiet, all of its occupants sleeping. I lazily watched the ceiling of my bedroom before my eyes gently drifted shut.

In the morning the house was full of energy because today was the day that security had cleared out the mall for us to go shopping! The girls and I rushed to get ready, applying make-up, picking the perfect outfit and fixing up our hair. At the same time the boys were in the backyard kicking the football around in the backyard. Today should be a good day.

AN: I am so so so so sorry abut how long it has been since I updated! If any of you are still reading this please know how grateful I am! I know that this is really short but I have a new means of writing this so the updates should come much faster! Anyways let me know what you think!

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