Chapter Twenty

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Talia's POV

"I think that we should schedule an interview for Niall and I.  I think it is as good a time as any for your fans to find out about me.  It doesn't matter when they do I will always get some amount of hate, but I don't want to wait any longer.  Once that is done we can look into what we should do about Harry and I."

I didn't waste any time in getting my thoughts out into the open.  That truly was how I felt and the boys might as well know that.  I waited for their responses even though I was likely going to go through with this either way.  

"I think that as long as you are comfortable with announcing that we are related I am good to go.  Do you want me to call Paul right now?" Niall was the first to speak up.

"I think it might be a little late but definitely first thing in the morning." He nodded and put away his phone. 

"What are we going to say during the interview?" He asked.

"All we have to do is announce that we are twins, it shouldn't be that hard and all of it will be prompted by the interviewer." I wasn't really worried about this whole thing, all I had to do for right now was announce that I was Niall Horan from One Direction's twin sister.  The harder announcement would come later if I did start to date Harry.  This one should be good practice for the next.

"And you are absolutely sure that you are ready for this? It's only been a couple weeks." Louis spoke up from the other side of the room.

"Yes, it needs to be done," With that said I turned and left the room leaving them to talk over the idea.

Liam's POV

She had said it, she liked Harry.  I guess I really couldn't blame her, even I would choose him over me. He would be everything that she would need and if he wasn't I would be there to step in and change that.  The other lads were discussing her plan and trying to figurue out which interview to do.  They were considering who would be the nicest, the quickest, the easiest to get onto, but my mind wasn't there right now. They weren't really paying any attention to me so I simply slipped out of the room to find Talia.

When I found her she was sitting on the couch reading a book.  I sat down next to her and watched as she gently placed the book down on the side table. 

"Hello Li, what can I do for you?" She smiled at me waiting for me to reply.

"I just wanted to check on you and make sure that you were alright, it's a lot to take in for one night." I tried to smile back at her but I don't think it came out as I would have liked. 

"I really am fine, I knew that I'd have to do this someday," 

"I was talking about the pictures the paparazzi got of you and Harry, you couldn't have been expecting that." She nodded, and I watched as she tried to find the words to explain her feelings.

"It is weird, I never expected that I would meet any of you, let alone get caught kissing Harry.  To be honest I was just a fan until my mom told me that Niall was my brother, and now everything has changed so quickly that I don't know what to think anymore," Her chin started to quiver and without thinking I pulled her into my chest, rubbing her back soothingly until she calmed down.

"Why didn't you tell anyone that you were feeling like this? We could have tried to help you," I questioned quietly.

"I didn't want to bother you guys, I thought that it was just something silly that I would get over." I nodded in understanding.

"We are all family, nothing that is troubling you could ever be silly. Next time come talk to me alright?" I asked her.

"Alright, thanks Li." She hugged me again before standing up, "I think I am going to go to bed now, and you probably should too.  Tomorrow could get crazy." I stood up with her and together we walked up to bed.

"Goodnight Talia,"

"Goodnight LIam," We went our separate ways and the enxt couple mintues were spent getting ready for bed and quickly falling asleep.

One Week Later

Talia's POV

Today was the day that Niall and I would be interviewed.  Today was the day that would change everything.  In only a couple mintues I would be on live television telling the world that we were related.  I wasn't hearing anything as we took our seats on the small couch, I couldn't even remember what interviewer we had chosen and before I knew it we were on.

"Hello! Welcome to In The Morning! Today we have some very special guests with a big announcement for us! Please welcome Niall Horan and Talia!"  The audience clapped as we waved and said hello.

"Now I've been told that you have something you would like to tell us?" Niall nodded as I just continued to smile.

"Yes we do, it might be a bit of a shock to some people but definitely not as big a shock as it gave me!" The audience laughed a bit befoe quieting down, now their attention was focussed back on what he was going to say. 

"Talia here is my sister," There, it was done and there was no going back now.  The world would know in a matter of hours.  The interviewer only smiled at us while we were waiting for the audience to quiet down some more,

"That really is a bit of a shocker.  One question I have though is why now? Why are you just saying this now?" NIall nodded for me to take the question.

"Well, we only just found out a little while ago and we wanted to have some time to get to know each other before the whole world found out," 

Nodding understandingly the interview started to wrap up the interview with a couple more questions.

"That's all the time we have for today but I wish you guys all the luck in getting to know each other!" 

"Thank you!" Niall answered and before I knew it we were backstage being engulfed in a group hug.

"You guys did so well!" Liam congratulated us.

"I'm just happy that its all over with, now it's one less thing to worry about!" The boys nodded in agreement. "Right now though I just want to get home and watch a movie cuddled in blankets." Everyone laughed before we started out of the building and through the screaming fans.

AN: There it is guys! The next chapter is finally up! Hope you enjoyed! VOTE! COMMENT! FAN!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2013 ⏰

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