Good Enough - Chapter 9

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As predicted, Cappy flipped out when I told her everything. 

"OMG OMG OMG! I can't breathe Andie!" she screamed into the phone, making me pull it away from my ear. She had a habit of making me do that.

"You think you can't believe it," I murmured. 

"Seriously, I knew things would happen with you two, I just KNEW, but this soon? Nope, didn't see it coming."

I contemplated how fast he'd moved once again, but it still only brought surges of joy through my body. But then again, should I be worried? It did seem awfully fast, and Beth was still pursuing him. 

Was Mick using me to show Beth he was over her?


Cappy's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?"

"Don't overthink this, k?"

She knew me too well. 

"I'm trying not to, but--"

"No buts. He's a good guy. We've always known that. Just enjoy."

She was right. Overthinking it would only ruin it. I thought back to a few hours ago and fell back on my bed.

Mick Stanford kissed me!!!


I parked in a space close to the populars and jumped out of my car. I'd put my hair up in a side clip, allowing a few ringlets to frame my face. My head still throbbed a bit from where I'd hit his floor, so I'd downed some more Ibuprofen. As I walked towards the school, my heart jumped at the sound of a familiar laugh in the distance.

"Dude, you should have seen her," he laughed. "When she fell, it was all I could do to keep from busting up."

I froze in mid-step. No, he wasn't talking about me...was he? 

I forced myself to start walking again, trying not to be obvious I was listening. 

"She hit her head so hard, I thought for sure it knocked her out."

Tears formed in my eyes as I ran the rest of the way, not wanting to hear any more. I couldn't believe it, he was actually mocking me to his friends. 


I ignored him, only running faster to catch the door before it shut completely. Still running to my locker, I also ignored the stern look Principal White gave me. No way in hell was I slowing down to walk.


That voice I welcomed. 


When she came up to me, the bright smile on her face disappeared when she saw my tears. She immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me into the restroom. Grabbing a paper towel and wetting it a bit with cold water, she started to dab my tears.

"What happened?"

Before I could answer, the door swung open and sounds of giggling came toward us. I groaned when the queen and two of her posse members rounded the corner. When she saw me, her eyes turned to slits as she glared.

"Oh no, poor geek girl is upset. What happened? Did Mick dump you as his partner? That's all you'll ever be to him you know."

Cappy placed the paper towel in the garbage can, moved in front of me as if to guard me, and put her hands on her hips.

"As a matter of fact, Beth," she spat out. "She's upset because she heard that fall on your head didn't give you that much needed personality boost."

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