Good Enough - Chapter 5

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We pulled into Mick's driveway and I tried hard to keep my jaw from dropping.  His house was so big and beautiful.  I'd never tell him this but Cappy and I always drive in his neighborhood, although we didn't know it was his, and imagine how it would be to live in one of these ginormous houses.  I had no idea he lived here.

Mick put the car in park and turned it off.  He smiled at me and said, "Here we are.  Ready to read?"

I picked up my bag and turned my head to look at him.  "Yep.  Even though you started before me, I'm sure I'll finish before you."  With that I opened the door and bolted out.  I stood at the hood and waited for him to join me.

He grabbed his stuff and slammed the car door.  He was grinning at me and I swear his eyes were the brightest I'd ever seen them.  "Is that so?," he asked me as he walked toward me.

I gave him my most innocent face and said, "Yes, that's so."

He chuckled as he passed me and said, "Oh, it's on Andie."

I felt the excitement of flirting course through me and followed him through the side door.  When I walked in, I about died.  Just the entry way to the kitchen was beautiful.  His mom must be some sort of decorator.  I followed him into the kitchen and placed my bag by where he'd set his backpack.  I looked around my surroundings in wonder and couldn't help but stare.  Huge maple cupboards, beautiful granite counter tops, two ovens, and a huge french door stainless steel refrigerator.  Not to mention the giant maple table with eight chairs surrounding it.  I wasn't sure where we'd be hanging out to read so I just stood there, feeling self conscious.

"Do you want something to eat?," he asked me oblivious to my awe at his house.  I looked over at him  and saw he was at his fridge going through the contents.  "We have some fruit, cheese and crackers, or some yogurt.  I guess my mom hasn't been to the store this week yet."  

When I didn't say anything, he turned his head to look at me.  "Hellooo, earth to Andie."

I shook my head and said, "Sorry um, some fruit sounds good thanks."

He grabbed some grapes and watermelon out of the fridge and set them in front of me.  He got some yogurt for him and grabbed a spoon.  "Do you want a water bottle?," he asked.

"Sure, thanks."  Next thing I know a bottle of water is placed in front of me.  I twist off the cap and take a few gulps.  Oh wow, this is ice cold, I think to myself.

He gets a bottle for himself and comes to stand beside me.  The electricity I feel from him almost makes me gasp.  Telling myself to calm down, I take a few steps away and pretend to need something out of my bag.

"So, do you want to sit at the bar here or would you be more comfortable reading on the couch?"

I look at him and debate what would be best.  I dont' read well sitting at a table but I'm not sure sitting on a couch next to him is such a good idea either.  I'd never be able to concentrate.  

I decided to let him decide.  "Doesn't matter, whatever you want."

He smiled a little and said, "Couch."

He grabbed his backpack and water and motioned for me to follow him.  We walked through the kitchen further and into a room off of it that was immaculate.  Three brown leather couches, a huge coffee table, and a giant flat screen TV were what I noticed first.  I think my whole house could fit in this room.  I follow him to sit down and choose to sit on the couch opposite him.

"Um Andie?"

"Yeah?," I ask as I sit down and open my bag.

"Why so far away?" 

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