Good Enough - Chapter 10

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He was already there, sitting in his car.

Waiting...for me.

He smiled when he saw me approach and immediately jumped out of the car. 

"Hey," he said, just above a whisper when I stopped before him. "You came."

Tilting my head to the side, I looked up at him. "Of course. I said I would."

He smiled more as he led me to the passenger seat, opening the door and helping me in. "Let me take that," he told me as he leaned over and took my backpack from me, tossing it in the back.

As he walked around the car, my heart was pounding. The last thing I wanted to do was tell him I thought he'd been making fun of me. But, no other solution was entering my mind. 

Think, brain, think!

Mick climbed in, shutting the door. He turned to face me, the smile still on his face. Without fail, it made me melt, every. Single. Time.

"So, what happened earlier? I've been worried all morning."

Cut to the chase why don't you, I thought to myself. Turning away, I started to play with a few strands of my hair. His hand brushed my cheek, making me turn back to face him.

"I know we basically just met, and I know things have gone really fast for us. Hell, we've kissed but haven't talked about how we feel. I don't know Andie, I can't explain it. But, ever since I saw you in Mrs. Moon's class, you're all I can think about."

SLAM! I looked down at my chest, making sure my heart hadn't dropped onto my lap. Did he just say what I think he did?

"Andie, look at me."

I still couldn't form words, but I looked at him.

"What happened? I told you that because I want you to know you can trust me, that I'm genuinely here for you. I don't know how you feel about me, but I don't care. Tell me."

The look in his eyes was so raw, so sincere. There was no way now I'd tell him anything but the truth. Mick Stanford just told me I'm all he can think about!

Sighing, I brushed some hair behind my ear and began.

"I heard you telling your friends about someone hitting their head and how funny it was, and I assumed you were talking about me."

Understanding dawned in his eyes and he started to speak. Before he could, I put my hand up, needing to finish. "I felt so sad, so humiliated, that I started to run. I totally ignored you when you called out to me, feeling so stupid you were mocking me. It was just a few minutes later when I figured out it was Beth you were talking about, not me. I'm sorry."

There, I'd said it. I looked down at my lap, feeling so stupid. There was no way I could look at him right then.

"Shit Andie," he whispered. "I'm so sorry. There's no way I'd ever make fun of you, it was totally Beth. But I can see how you thought it was you. I knew something was wrong when you ignored me, it twisted at my gut." 

He ducked his head down so I'd see him in my peripheral. When I didn't turn my head, he moved even closer to me, getting right in my vision. I started to smile, not able to resist his charms, not that I wanted to. When his fingers brushed my arm, I finally looked over.

"I've liked you ever since freshman year," spilled out of my mouth, to my utter horror. My hand clapped over my mouth, and the blush blazed up my face. 

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