Good Enough - Chapter 2

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I looked around the room, hoping, wishing for any distraction but it was empty.  It was just me and Mick. I sighed and blew my bangs out of my eyes and looked at him.

"Hi," I said.  I looked down then.  Looking into his face was too much to handle.  I'm sure I looked like a complete dork but what do you do?

"Hey, Andie is it?,"  I looked at him and saw a small smile appear on his face.  His light brown eyes had a sparkle in them and it seemed as though he was enjoying my discomfort.  For some reason that made me somewhat annoyed.

"Yep, my name's Andie.  Okay well I guess we need to figure out times we can work on this assignment.  Luckily we don't report it till November third."

He was still smiling at me and it was making me nervous.  Did I have some food in my teeth?  Did I have a booger hanging out of my nose?  Gah!

"Since next period is going to start in a minute, how 'bout we exchange phone numbers so we can text later?," he asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.  Exchange numbers?  I'll really have Mick Stanfords number in my phone?  And he'll have mine?  My head started swimming at the thought.

I gained what little composure I had and said, "Oh, okay.  That works."

I stood there waiting for him to respond.  He continued looking at me but not doing anything.  I cleared my throat and pretended to see something over his shoulder when I heard him chuckle.  "Well why don't you give me your number so I can put it in my phone?  I'll text you later tonight so that way you'll have mine.  Sound good?"

I nodded my head and gave him my number.  When he'd finished typing it in, he grinned at me.  "Thanks.  What class do you have next?"

What class do I have next?  Um...what class do I have next??  Gym, that's it, I have gym, I thought to myself.

I started walking toward the door as I answered him.  "Oh, I have gym next.  You?"

He walked with me and told me he has History.  We got to the hall and I turned to face him.

"Well, it was nice meeting you..."  I didn't know what else to say.  I was still feeling like an idiot.  Oh, and I was still in shock that not only was I actually talking to Mick Stanford, the boy has my number in his phone!

"Yeah, you too.  I can't believe we haven't met before.  Are you new this year?"

Okay, that question just made me feel like a total loser.  "Uh, no.  I've been here since freshman year."  I looked down at my feet, trying to hide my hurt.  Grow up Andie, I told myself.  You knew he didn't know you exist.  Who cares?

"Oh sorry.  I'm sure I've seen you around then.  I'm just so busy here at school, it's hard to notice much."  

I could tell he was trying to make me feel better but yeah, it didn't work.  I had to get away from him.  "No worries.  Gotta get to gym now.  Talk to you later."

With that I took off toward the gym never once looking back at him.  


That night I was in my room on the phone with Cappy.  Of course she couldn't get over the fact that I got partnered with Mick for the reading assignment.  While I felt the same way, I didn't express it quite like she did.

"So when I heard Mrs. Moon say you are going to be partners, I about died Andie!  I mean wow, could this get any better?  Mick Stanford!"  Then I heard her squeeing into the phone and had to hold it away from my ear for a second.

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